Day 14: The Final Chapter

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: A couple months later:

( The boys were running around backstage at a show in New York trying to get ready to perform)

Zac: Does everyone got ear pieces???

Tay and Ike: Yeah!!!!

Zac: Ok well I'm good

( Zac said grabbing his drumsticks off the sound speaker before walking over to Ravi who was waiting by the stage entrance )

Tay: I'm ready too

Isaac: Same here

( Isaac said as Ron walked into the backstage area and walked into three boys and Ravi and who Isaac calls the band complainer and smiled)

Ron: I hope I get a hello considering this is my first Hanson show

Tay and Zac: RON!!!!!

( Taylor and Zac embraced him almost knocking him over )

Ron: I'm glad to see you guys as well

( He said rubbing the back of the boys' heads before they went back to the stage entrance)

Isaac: Are you excited about this being your first show??

Ron: As excited as I can be I get VIP for free hahaha

Tay: You deserve it you saved me more times than I could imagine haha

Ron: Hey it was nothing btw how've you been

Tay: Been good everything is pretty much healed

Ron: Ahh that's great how bout you Zac

Zac: I feel amazing glad to be back doing shows ya know I kinda missed it

Ron: Ahh yes well I'm gonna go take my seat enjoy being back on stage

Boys: Thank you!!!

( The boys yelled to Ron as he started walking back out to his seat in the front row which was right next to the family and then the boys went on stage and had one of their best shows they ever had)

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