Day 7 ( Trouble is Coming)

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:3 days after the return:

( Taylor sat on the edge of the hotel bed and looked around at the clutter of mess him and his brothers had on the floor, he felt something was odd but just ignored it and laid down staring out the window at the surrounding buildings as Diane walked in wondering why Tay had decided to lay back down and not go to the pool with everyone else)

Diane: What ya doin bud

( Diane sat on the side of the bed rubbing Taylor's head)

Tay: Just laying down

Diane: Why didn't you want to go swimming??

Tay: I just have a really bad headache and idk something just doesn't feel right

Diane: Well I promise your just fine ok

( Diane said as Zac walked in the room and climbed up on the other side of the bed and laying down staring into Taylor's eyes)

Diane: You too I assume

Zac: Yesss...

Tay: Nice view Zac

Zac: Oh sorry were you looking out the window??

Tay: No it's fine

( Tay turned on his back and Zac did the same scooching towards Taylor and cuddling next to him with the book he grabbed off the floor)

Diane: Awww look at the love haha

( Diane joked and Tay and Zac just looked at her and scrunched their faces)

Diane: Maybe I should relax too

Zac: Will you read this book??

Diane: I suppose I could

( Zac held the book out to Diane and Taylor slid over so she could climb and lay in between them and then started reading the book before eventually both boys had passed out on either side of her)

Diane: Such sleepyheads haha

( Diane kissed both their heads and closed her eyes falling asleep in between them)

: Meanwhile outside the hotel:

David: Think this is the right one???

Chase: I'm sure of it. Where else could they be as far as I heard they don't live around here

David: There are plenty of hotels Chase

( David said rolling his eyes at her )

Chase: Yes but this one seems the most plausible

David: Whatever let's get this over with

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