Chapter Ten: The Value of Strength, Dakota's POV

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 Chapter Ten: The Value of Strength, Dakota’s POV

After I was allowed to leave the medic’s cart, I was refueled and got new blades for my ODM gear. I was allowed to go back on a new horse. Little did I know, that horse was going to save me multiple times during the next couple years. Since the rest of the elite rookies were killed, we were given a new squad led by a woman called Nanaba and a man named Gerger. Since we had killed an aberrant titan, we got put in Nanaba’s elite team. There was another elite team, led by a short man called Rivaille.

I seriously doubted at this point whether I would survive or not in the next week. “Hey, rookies!” Called Nanaba. “Gerger-san said to ascend, we have titans approaching. Do not engage unless absolutely necessary.”

So we did just that. I chose a fairly low position because I was one of the strongest. As I was climbing, my leg was impaled on a sharp edge. "GGGHHAAAAH!" I screamed as I ripped my leg out of it. I rested for a few seconds. God, you’d think after 400 years, you’d get used to the pain. I thought. It sure didn’t. I’d had an arm ripped off, been cut in half, gotten my fingers bitten off, you name it, I’d lost it.

I then saw something that I hoped would never happen. Lily was staring at me from the branch above me. She had seen the whole thing. I hoped later on she would think that it was just a hallucination, but who was I kidding, she was the sharpest tool in the shed. This was bad, this was really bad.

We were suddenly surrounded by titans. This wasn’t a problem, as we were seventy feet in the air. We just sort of sat there for a while. Lily seemed to get over it, as she and Icarus hopped onto my branch. “I think we should engage.” said Icarus, always quick to draw his blade. “No!” replied Lily. “We won’t risk it if we don’t have to.”

I notice something odd going on below us. There was a lone titan just staring at me with a menacing look in his eyes. I decided to ignore it, but in case something was up, I’d keep the gear handles in my hands. I didn’t know why, but it felt as if I was being watched. I looked back, and the titan was gone.

This was bad. Before I knew it. I felt a cold breath on my shoulder. The titan was right behind me. I ran across the branch and flipped off, bungee-jump style. As I rolled in midair, I shot both hooks at the edge of my former branch. I thrust myself upward at full speed, Gritting my teeth as I did so, I was in sight of the titan just log enough to throw two blades into its eyes.

Before I knew it, Lily and Icarus were there. They spun to the titan’s neck and killed it. Just then, I heard a bloodcurdling roar and all of the titans entered the forest.

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