Chapter Eleven: Puzzle Pieces, Klara's POV

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Chapter Eleven: Puzzle Pieces, Klara's POV

Yesterday was exhausting. Nearly dying is huge life experience. (No pun intended) Our newest assignment was to find out information about the Garrison's secret files. They were entrusted with every military secret ever. It didn't make sense. The Military Police were usually entrusted with big secrets. Not the lousy drunks who call themselves "sentinels of order."

We were each given a Garrison jacket. We would tell them that we were here to protect the Vault while they could take a vacation for a while. In case they protested, we had a noxious gas that'd make them more prone to generosity.

Getting there took a few hours. During that time I thought about Dakota and Peter. Oh, how I wished they were here with me. It got lonely sometimes and the only friends I had were sketchy idiots. I loved my job, but I'd give up anything to feel how it felt to have Dakota next to me, giving me advice. Or the warmth of Peter's hugs. I missed them.

As soon as we got off, we were inspected. I wasn't the one carrying the gas, so I was good. They let us all in in a rush. Something wasn't right. I hated to feel that the clueless people who held all the cards were aware. As it turns out, it was only me. Paranoia really gets to you in this job.

I was amazed to see that the vault was a huge, elaborate, fantastic library. When I was a kid, I loved books. We were too poor to own any, so I had to go to church, which even then it only had religious documents.

I was overwhelmed with the overpowering scent of ink and old pages. I was in absolute heaven. The library wasn't the thing that we'd come here for, though. There was supposed to be one of those cliche book switches that would lead to an (also cliche) underground vault that contained ancient military secrets. I didn't want to leave.

I stole a couple of books on the way. It was amazing how many were in here. Thousands upon thousands. There were too many to have been made in the last century. Many of them were probably from before the Titans. Wait, then why would we be allowed in? I probably wasn't allowed to steal them. Why was I the only one then?

"Don't pick up ANY books. The place will collapse upon itself if you do." said my SO. Oh my god. I quietly slipped the books into the person in front of me's jacket. "Travis, what are those? He stole books!" I shouted. I was so ashamed.

"What have you done, Travis? You've killed us all!" exclaimed my SO. (Senior Officer) "What?! N-No I didn't!" Said a very panicking Travis. "I can't afford to have liars." Said my SO. Oh god. I knew what was going to happen. My SO, Mark, took out a pistol and put it to Travis's forehead. "N-N-No, please!" "You have three seconds, if it wasn't you, who was it? 3..." "Uh, uh!" "2..." "I-I dunno!" "1.." "Oh no!" BANG!

I let out a small gasp as Travis's body fell. It was really fast. He probably didn't even feel it. If the boy was even a shred more intelligent, that body would be mine, lifeless and empty. It's amazing how delicate life is. It can be snuffed out by the tiniest things.

"No time for condolences!" Shouted Mark. "RUN!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2015 ⏰

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