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Ok so here we go xD I just wanted to clear some things, first error is around 17-20 years old and he is a fgod (forced god for those who don't know ;D) the only people who know about the balance are the charas, bad sanses, blueberry. Fresh and geno also know about the balance but in this they are also errors brothers fresh is the youngest error is the second and geno is the oldest. And bc I'm lazy errors voice will be bolded bc it's way easier, anyone's thoughts will be underlined.  A lot of the art I use in this book will be mine and if it isn't I'll tell you.

Ok I wanted to update this because I decided that thoughts won't be underlined it's just really hard to continue to do that but anyways I hope you enjoy the book!

And one last thing please be nice in the chat, please comment who I should ship error with I will put some ships here and please vote for which one you want.





If there are some other ships you want please comment telling me so.
Have a lovely day/night and tell me if I have anything wrong with the characters.

Little Big Problems (Error Is Kind Of A Fgod)Where stories live. Discover now