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Zak is in his office working on a few things when Aaron comes in. "Hey Zak your phone working?". Zak took out his phone to see it was off. "That's a first for me"Zak replied turning it on. He saw he had ten miss calls from Corey the manger of his haunted museum. He called Corey back and was told something weird was going on in his haunted doll collection. "Like what?".

"I don't know how to describe it you have to come down to see"he replied and hung up. Zak grabbed his jacket and his keys. "Something wrong at the museum?"Aaron asked. "Corey said something's going on with the haunted dolls"Zak replied. "This I got to see" and Aaron went with him. When Zak and Aaron got there Corey was outside waiting. "Thank god you're here you have to see this". They walk to the haunted dolls and one of the dolls a porcelain doll had tears falling down its face.

Zak went over to it and touched one of the tears. "These are real tears" and Aaron touched it. "Could this be one of those dolls that was made to cry" Aaron inquired. "No those dolls weren't made until the fifties as you can tell this doll is porcelain"Zak remarked. "Where did this doll come from?". "It was giving to me by a friend of mine I should give her a call and see where this doll came from" Zak thought. Mommy a voice called out. "Did I just hear Mommy?" Corey asked. "Yeah" they replied.

"Do you think this doll has an attachment like a little child?". Zak picked up the doll and Zak got a chill down his back. He put the doll down and went down to nerve center as Aaron followed him. "What's wrong?". "That doll I got an ice cold chill from it and that's never happen before". "Zak remember when I took rocks from an investigation with out asking do you think that doll was taking from its site with out permission".

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