reason 5

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Reason 5. Hwang Hyunjin is a chicken.

Jeongin laughed at what he wrote. This man is truly a chicken ah! He's afraid of the ghosts and dark places. Who wants to have a boyfriend like that?

Jeongin was laughing at himself when he also realized something. Hyunjin is truly a chicken because he's too afraid to fight for something he should be fighting for. Like... Their relationship that went into crumbles.

Feeling upset all over again, Jeongin frowned and took a chocolate bar. It has been a week since the convenience store incident and people seemed to stopped minding it and at that time, Jeongin never really left his apartment.

At least Jeongin has chocolate to accompany him. He was quietly eating his chocolate as he heard a knock on the door.

"Ah? Seungmin, is that you? I haven't finished the commission yet,"

Jeongin said as he went towards his door to opened it. No one replied and Jeongin got confused. Is no one there?

He opened the door slowly and to his surprise once again, it's fucking Hwang Hyunjin!

Xiao Zhan immediately panicked and close the door shut but it was blocked by Hyunjin's foot and hand.


Hyunjin starts

"Hear me out."

Jeongin was still pushing the door, trying to close it with force.

"Hear you out? What are you gonna say? Awful things about me again?"

"No, it's just business Jeongin!"

Hyunjin said rather loudly, his tone was frustrated and it was obvious he was feeling tired.

"What business do you have to do with me? Didn't you want to cut every connect we had?"

Jeongin replied and his voice almost cracked and his lips were trembling.

"They're looking for an artist for a studio galleria, you're the best option,"

Hyunjin explained.

"I see," Jeongin paused,

"You're gonna use me again?"

"Jeongin, you know I never used you,"

Hyunjin replied and Jeongin gritted his teeth. He gave a bitter laugh and said,

"Really? Then tell me why you never gave me a reason why we broke up? Why can't you just."

Jeongin's words died down and he was already sobbing. Hyunjin didn't say anything at the other side.

"I..." Hyunjin started but never finished his sentence.

"You're always good at staying silent,"

Jeongin wiped his tears and slowly opened the door. He looked at Hyunjin and said,

"I don't need to hear your reasons, it won't change anything. So, this is will be the last time."

Hyunjin gave Jeongin an expression    

he can't explain. Was it sadness? Or Anger? Happiness? He didn't pay it to any attention.

"Jeongin, thank you,"

Hyunjin replied and looked away. Jeongin gave a dry chuckle,

"Thanking me for what? Anyway, tell me the details, get inside,"

Jeongin said and motioned at the side to make some space for Hyunjin to come in. Hyunjin was actually surprised at Jeongin's sudden move. He didn't say anything and slowly went inside.

You're asking why Jeongin let him in? Even though the very man in front of him broke his heart? Why he gave this man another chance? Because Jeongin always gives chances and the other man will always receive them.

They didn't know if the atmosphere around them was awkward or sad, it was hard to decipher. Hyunjin looked at the apartment Jeongin lives in, he usually comes here when they were still together.

Not a lot of things actually changed. He spotted a picture frame at the top shelf behind some old books, it was actually a picture of him and Jeongin in a theme park. Hyunjin felt uneasy for a second. Jeongin led him to his personal art studio and sat down at the sofa.

To Hyunjin's surprise, he saw a huge canvas covered with a black cloth.

"So what is the studio galleria about?"

Hyunjin snapped out from his trance and replied,

"It's actually an art exhibit, featuring different artworks and they would like you to be the organizer. You're also commissioned to paint some models and other idols. You can share your artworks there too."

Jeongin stayed silent for a while and thought to himself. Hyunjin patientl waited for his reply.

"When's the exhibit?"

"This October 5,"

he replied.

"Ah, is that so? Alright then, when will we start?"

Jeongin asked calmly and looked at Hyunjin. If someone actually looked closer, Jeongin eyes were a bit red.

"Is tomorrow alright? I can bring you to the venue,"

Hyunjin replied.

"I'll go there myself. You don't want to me to involve with you again, right? Or maybe ending up getting trending again. Just send me the address,"

Jeongin said with a hint of bitterness in his tone.

"I'll be going now and Jeongin, this is just work,"

Hyunjin said and stood up, he made his was to the door and opened it. Before he could step outside,

"I don't need you to tell me that this is just work, because I can never forget the day you broke up with me,"

Jeongin said and Hyunjin paused for while, trying to say something but he didn't. Hyunjin continued on his way and left, leaving once again, a broken Jeongin in the dark.

 Hyunjin continued on his way and left, leaving once again, a broken Jeongin in the dark

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( Hyunin ) 10 Reasons why You Shouldn't Fall In Love With Hyunjin Where stories live. Discover now