reason 6

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Reason 6. Hyunjin is dangerous.

Jeongin gently placed his pencil beside his notebook and sighed. It was 7:10 AM in the morning and he needs to leave at 8:30 AM to go to the venue Hyunjin texted him.

Jeongin chuckled at the idea that Hyunjin still has his number after all these months. He slapped his face and murmured to himself,
"That doesn't mean anything."

But Jeongin's mind ran wild and eventually thinking of something. Hyunjin is indeed a dangerous man, a very dangerous man. Wanna know why? He's a predator that slowly eats his prey. People aren't actually aware that Hyunjin deals with people roughly.

Two years ago, when they went to Hyunjin's best friend's engagement party, which is, Jeongin was talking to an old friend when suddenly someone started harrassing him from behind, before he could react, Hyunjin already punched the person on the face.

At that time, Jeongin was honestly amazed how Hyunjin made the move, he was very happy for that but now that he thinks about it, he doesn't know what to say, maybe Hyunjin was just faking it or doing it just for show.

Checking the time, it was already 7:55 AM. Jeongin actually finished preparing himself minutes ago, he went to get his wallet and
keys, then went out.

He walked quitely beside the road and checked the location, Hyunjin has sent him, it was actually pretty near his place, just a block away. Maybe that was the reason why he met Hyunjin at the convenient store.

After a good fifteen minute walk, he arrived at a stunning looking building.

"Ah, it's been a while since i handled an exhibit,"

Jeongin whispered to himself and quitely went in. There were already people inside and they didn't even notice Jeongin went in. He felt awkward, so he say near the lobby and took a seat. Where's that doofus? I don't know anyone here.

Jeongin thought with a frown and took out his phone. It was already 8:11 AM and Hyunjin still didn't arrive yet. The meet up was 8:30 AM anyways.

So Jeongin patiently waited at the lobby with his phone until someone came to sit with him.

"Ah, you are?"

Jeongin then realized he was being asked. He looked up and saw a young looking man asking him,

"I.. Uh- I'm Yang Jeongin"

He replied and the younger looking man smiled,

"Yes! You must be the person Mr. Hyunjin was talking about!"

"Ah? Yeah, I guess,"

Jeongin awkwardly replied with a cough. "I'm woon , jiwoon , nice to meet you, Jeongin"

the younger man said politely as he reached out his hand. Jeongin accepted it with a shake. "You too" Jeongin replied with a smile.

Yah! If only Hyunjin is as good as this young man over here!

"Jeongin, I've always wanted to meet you,"

Jiwoon said happily and Jeongin was actually surprised, he didn't know who this younger man is or did Hyunjin actually told Jiwoon about him?

"Ah? Why is that, I'm just a freelance artist,"

Jeongin said and chuckled.

"No! Your artworks are truly beautiful and when I saw the wonderful painting you made at home-"

Jeongin immediately cut Jiwoon off and said

"Wait- Who are you exactly?"

"I'm Mr. Hyunjin's so-"

Jiwoon was cut off once more but this time it was from a man with an impassive looking face, it was none other than Hwang Hyunjin.

Jeongin sweared that this man is really dangerous, even the way he dressed himself is very astonishing and he looked really handsome, he actually stood out.


He said calmly. Jiwoon quickly stood up and greeted Hyunjin. Jeongin slowly stood up and didn't gave Hyunjin an eye contact.

"We should get to work so we can leave early,"

Jeongin said and Jiwoon face fell, he actually didn't want Jeongin to leave so soon since he wanted to talk to him more.

"I'll let you meet up with the crew,"

Hyunjin said impassively and the two men followed him.

"Ah, Jeongin I'm so sorry about fath-no, I mean, Mr. Hyunjin,"

Jiwoon stuttered and Jeongin could have sworn he almost said the word 'father'. Or was he just jumping to conclusions?
So Hyunjin already had a son? Not alone, a wife secretly!? Jeongin felt his chest tighten again.

"Ay, uh, why are you apologizing? He's always like that,"

Jeongin said with a hint of sadness in his voice as he was looking up ahead. Jiwoon felt unhappy that seeing Jeongin being upset.

Upon arriving at the center of the studio, Hyunjin got everyone's attention and introduced Jeongin to the whole crew. Everyone was extremely nice and wonderful except for Hyunjin, of course.

They planned out the blueprint and the possible designs and works to be posted or shown. Eventually, time flew by too quickly and it was time for lunch break.

Jeongin doesn't plan to eat rice so he just ate his bag of chocolates that he brought. Jiwoon is once again by his side and talking to him happily.

"Ah, what were you saying earlier?"

Jeongin asked as he took a bite from his chocolate bar.

"I'm Mr. Hyunjin's son," as Jiwoon whispered those words, Jeongin sweatdropped and paled.

"A-Ah? Who's your mother?"

Jeongin stuttered and Jisung laughed,

"Aish, don't worry Jeongin, I'm just adopted,"

He whispered once again. "Really? Ahaha.. And why would I be worried?" Jeongin awkwardly said with a dry laugh.

"I saw your painting back home,"

Jiwoon started,

"It felt extremely warm and eautiful," he said with a smile on his face.

"Eh? What painting, I don't remember anything,"

Jeongin asked confusedly.

"It was a self-portrait of you, smiling happily."

And at that very moment, Jeongin felt different types of emotions in one go.

And at that very moment, Jeongin felt different types of emotions in one go

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( Hyunin ) 10 Reasons why You Shouldn't Fall In Love With Hyunjin Where stories live. Discover now