Chapter 1

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You woke up in a unfamiliar place and the first face that greeted you was of a man with horns in a kimono who looked like the Sage of Six Paths, Hagoromo from Naruto. Oh, you knew what this was. You'd been isekai-d to the world of Naruto. Behind Hagoromo, two boys were present, standing and looking at you. Indra, with dark brown hair in a ponytail and two locks of hair wrapped in white cloth near his ears. He was dressed in the white robe that all of Hagoromo's followers wore and his eyes were crimson red with black magatamas. The Sharingan. The other had short dark brown hair and black eyes, a piece of white cloth on his forehead and locks of hair wrapped in white cloth near his ears. He wore the same robe as Hagoromo and Indra. Asura Otsutsuki, second son of Hagoromo and Indra's younger brother. The bridge dude who was Hagoromo's assistant also stood beside them.

"You have awoken, child." Hagoromo smiled kindly. You gave a slight, awkward smile. Hey, not your fault you were a bit socially awkward, especially towards elder people. Hagoromo seemed to notice your unease, "There is no need to be afraid, child. I am the Sage of Six Paths, Hagoromo Otsutsuki. Would you tell me what happened and why you were collapsed outside our mansion?" Hagoromo asked, still smiling.

"Uhhh, first of all, quick question here." you looked towards Indra, who seemed startled. "Were you the one who saved me?'' you asked. Indra tilted his head in confusion before replying, "No." Well, all your dreams shattered. Who was that person then?

"Okay, um, I'm Y/N and I'm from another world where all of you are just fictional characters made by a man named Masashi Kishimoto, he's a legend 'ttebayo. And uh, I know that sounds crazy, but yeah, thats the truth. Some kinda black demon thingy with glowing green eyes tried to kill me and a person who I thought was your son, but actually was not, saved me and I blacked out to find myself here when I woke up." you explained. Hagoromo nodded. "I believe your words for you speak the truth, child. I can see it. You can stay here as a guest, until we find a way to get you back home." What a nice guy.

"Thanks, dude." you said, and Hagoromo, Indra and Asura's eyes widened in surprise at your choice of words. Guess thats not normal for the girls of this world. "You're quite strange." the bridge dude remarked. "My name is Futami, this is Master Indra and that is Master Asura." he smiled. You suddenly felt bad for always forgetting his name and calling him 'bridge dude'. Would you stop calling him that? Nah. Indra still had his eyes suspiciously fixed on you, never letting you out of his sight. UwU UwU UWU you screamed in your mind.

"Indra, Asura, show her around." Hagoromo asked his sons. You internally thanked him as Indra gestured at you to follow him. Asura and Indra walked on either side of you, Indra's face emotionless while Asura smiled brightly and initiated conversation. He took you to every part of the mansion, coming to a stop in front of another door, last room of the tour. You'd already seen where your bedroom was.

"This is our library! All the troublesome books on ninshu are here, all written by our father!" Asura giggled. Indra frowned, probably annoyed at his younger brother's disrespect to the place, right in front of you, a guest. Well, you didn't really mind. The library was huge and spacious, and your inner Naruto nerd awakened as you itched to read them.
Well, if you could read their language, it would be cool.

"Maybe I can read these sometime?" you asked and Asura nodded. In the small time you'd been together, you'd learned a lot. Indra was awfully quiet and only spoke to reprimand his brother, nodded sometimes and mostly just stared at everything. He seemed to speak even less than in the anime. Asura spoke a lot more than in the anime and never shut up, kinda like you when you talked about the husbandos you simped for. Asura was super cute and Indra's looks were something that couldn't even be called 'handsome'. He was gorgeous. Enviable, because you looked like a dying kangaroo. And you refused makeup whenever your mom pestered you to do it. No wonder you looked like a zombie. Indra must use over a hundred beauty products to keep that porcelain skin and luscious locks of hair. Damn, what shampoo does he even use?

"Okay, if you need anything, you can ask Riko chan, she will be your maid, and waiting for you by your room! But if you ever need us, then just call out to me or Nii-san whenever you see us!" Asura said cheerfully. Indra looked like he wanted no part in this, but nodded.

"Okay, see ya guys!" you waved as you walked back to your room.

Omg I'm in Naruto holy.

It made you sad you couldn't meet your parents again. It was a crushing feeling. But you had no choice to accept it for now. Crying wouldn't solve much. It would just cause problems for Hagoromo, who was searching for ways to send you back home. You appreciated that, and you reminded yourself you had to stay strong too, for the sake of yourself and for others. You ignored the pain in your heart and blinked back tears as you hummed Silhouette, going back to your room.

Moonlight [Indra Otsutsuki x Female Reader]Where stories live. Discover now