Chapter 7

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You walked in on the conversation by chance. Hagoromo and Indra were standing in the courtyard and talking. Naki trailed after you as you headed towards them.

"Indra, I hope you can remove people's concerns about the existence of that ghost." Hagoromo looked at his son, who didn't meet his gaze and replied monotonely,"Yes, Father." Ok, that was it. Strong or not, you weren't gonna let him go to a haunted house by himself. Sure, he could take care of himself just fine, but anxiety.

"I will go too." you declared grandly from behind, spreading your arms. Indra pressed a hand to his forehead and sighed. Hagoromo chuckled at his reaction. "I'll go too, then!" Naki yelled enthusiastically, fist bumping in the air. Hagoromo smiled,"I'm happy the both of you are going to keep him company." Indra walked away, with you and Naki smiling and trailing after him.

The supposedly haunted house was just a few minutes' walk away from Hagoromo's estate, and was a big, dilapidated structure situated away from the other houses, having a forest at its back. Ah yes, isolated house near a forest, what a perfect place to send your son to investigate. That son may be strong, but you'd still be a bit worried if you were Hagoromo.

"I hope you die in there." Naki told Indra from behind. Indra scowled and threw a kunai at him, which he was unable to fully dodge, and it grazed his cheek lightly before hitting a boulder behind, and tearing right through it. Woah. "Thats kinda mean." Naki complained as he wiped the blood off his cheek. "Not as mean as I would normally be, although if you prefer that, I can do it that way." Indra snapped, a bolt of electricity forming in his hand.

"NOW NOW BOYS, CALM DOWN." you interjected between them and waved your hands. "Besides, the ghost is more important, right? So, c'mon." you took the lead and swung upon the doors of the house, walking in. It was full of dust and cobwebs inside, and the spiders scared you more than any ghost. You were used to ghosts since your house was haunted. Although that black demon thing had scared you out of your wits, you doubted that would happen again. You would probably beat a demon with your slipper next time you saw one. You chuckled internally at the thought. The three of you entered a room to the right. It was a bedroom, full of dolls and plushes. Oh no. This is the part where the door of the room shuts and the toys come to life. The exact same thing happened, so it didn't even give you a jumpscare. Horror movies and video games had made you too neutral to that stuff. The door closed and the toys started levitating.

"Wooo, magicc." you clapped like a maniac. Indra looked at you as if you were one, while Naki giggled lightly. You were actually enjoying watching these creepy things levitate. It was kind of cool. Now the little girl's ghost would sit in a corner in the meanwhile and start crying. As expected, a little girl was hunched over in the corner of the room, and was crying.

"A child?" Indra tried to approach her but you stopped him in his tracks. He gave you a confused look.

"Not so fast, Sherlock. Thats a ghost right there. Only they cry in a room full of creepy levitating toys and that too in a dark corner where the light of the world does not reach." you replied.

"You're so dumb and useless." Naki  pointed at Indra who scowled at him. You looked at the girl who was now making her way towards you, hand outstretched.

"Help me-" she begged.

"No." you refused bluntly. A moment of awkward silence.

"What help do you need?" Indra asked. The ghost looked down at the ground.

"I just want someone to play with. I'm so lonely . . ." the ghost girl said, her voice breaking a bit as if she was still crying.

"Nuh uh, by playing you probably mean a dangerous and totally lethal hide and seek game in which you die if you are found." you stated the most common trope you knew with little girl ghosts. The ghost stared at you,"How did you know?" Indra looked confused too, while you just shrugged.

"You know, you should do something original. This is clichè you know? Anyone can easily tell what you're going to do. So instead, you should try something more unique. Like making people cake when they come." you suggested peaceful stuff so hopefully this kid ghost would get influenced by your Talk no Jutsu and agree.

"Cake that can kill them!" the little girl shouted. You shook your head.

"Listen, listen. They expect your cake to kill them and they expect the horrible things you're going to do to them. So, instead, you should surprise them by being good. No one expects a good ghost. There aren't good ghosts. You will become unique. A legend. Living people will have you in their history books." you tried to convince the ghost. Her eyes sparkled and she nodded.

"Got it, then! Thanks!" the ghost thanked you. You heaved a sigh of relief while Indra just stared at you as if you'd just ruined the whole reason for him being here. Well, technically you had in a way.

"Ehe." you smirked and ran away, while the little girl ghost caught a hold of Indra and Naki and led them away to play with a pretend tea house set and Barbies.

Enjoy, losers.

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