Chapter 12

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"(Y/N)'S MISSING?!" Asura shouted as he panicked internally. Indra stood calmly beside him, assessing the situation in his mind. Asura held his head with both hands as he tried to comprehend the situation. Indra's red eyes swiveled over to the smiling blonde.

"You don't seem troubled even though she's gone." Indra commented as the blonde's azure eyes glinted in the dark. Naki leaned on the railing, and Indra saw a new object lying on his now bare chest, as he had unbuttoned midway down. A chain lay across his neck with the symbol of a phoenix. Indra had seen the hem of the chain occasionally but this was the first time he'd seen the entirety of the glittering silver ornament.

"Interested? They say it can capture souls. Not sure if it works though. Its the family heirloom. Snatched it when we were in the Underworld." Naki smiled as his eyes darkened down while looking at Indra. Indra hadn't seen Naki swipe anything when they were down there. Naki was dangerous, Indra could tell. Maybe even stronger than Indra himself.

"Don't tell me you were the one." Indra hissed.

"Reminder, I'm a VIP. No trying to fight me, or you'll regret it. Dad seems reasonable. Probably will murder you if you try anything with me. I am a prince." Naki shrugged as he walked away. Indra could feel the anger in his heart rise further. If he could, he'd rip Naki from limb to limb. And then-

"Nii-san?" Asura's voice snapped Indra back to reality. Asura's eyes were now wet with tears, that rolled down his cheeks. Indra grasped his train of emotion.

"A fool like you can never become a successor to Ninshu." Indra spat our the words as he left the room in a storm of anger.

Asura didn't understand why Indra hated him. He didn't know why Indra was angry at Naki either. He knew Indra liked (Y/N). He knew she could control Indra. Only she could make him stop fighting with Naki. If only she were here-

Naki POV:

"Princess~" Naki caressed the locket. Her growling voice could be heard from inside. He'd align it with the body once he got back to Iza. He smiled softly as he heard her mind curse at him. He didn't mind. He would have her love no matter what. She meant a lot to him. He chuckled in a low voice as he sat down, back pressing against the wall.

You fucking monster.

Once again, she cursed at him. And this time, it hit harder. The amount of times he'd been called a monster, the amount of people who'd hated him, the amount of years he'd had to live- it all sickened him.

"Hey, Princess. You love Indra a lot, don't you? I wonder if you could love me a bit too." Naki whispered as he felt his heart ache inside. He'd forgotten how to love. And the one he loved didn't even like him back. She loved someone who was more privileged and loved than Naki. She loved someone who didn't even make an effort to be affectionate to her. All that slipped out of his mouth were harsh words and all he gave her were icy stares. Still, she kept searching. She kept searching for some unknown good within him.

Meanwhile, Naki was constantly in peril. If Usukuragari found out he was a mind reader, she'd kill him herself. Enemies. Those were all he had. He wished somebody loved him. Even if he had to take it by force. He would have her, no matter what. He brushed a finger over the ornament and her soul was encased once more, unable to move.

"Lets go, Princess."

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