Chapter 6

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It was a pretty normal day, blah blah blah. Who cares about what you did, it was all just some random chores anyway. Stuff that made you tired just by thinking about it. It was raining outside today, so everyone including you had rushed into the estate. All except for everyone's beloved long brown haired emo dude. You picked up an umbrella and walked towards Indra. He glared coldly at you, something you ignored.

"You're gonna catch a cold." you started the conversation.

"I don't care." came the emo answer. Ah, the likeness to Sasuke.

"You're coming inside, bro. I don't want Hagoromo san to deal with any more headaches." you pulled lightly on his wrist.

"My father? As if someone like him cares. He never cares enough to even talk to me."

"Well, whatever. Thats your family matters and I can't speak about it. But you're really gonna get sick so you better go in."

"Why do you care?" he said, the word 'you' emphasised with bitterness. You sighed.

"Look, I know you're down. Its hard, I know. But don't do this to yourself, okay? And you should talk about your feelings to others. I know I was being kinda harsh, and I'm sorry for that, but just don't do this. Now, lets go inside and dry that Pantene commercial quality hair of yours." you tried to take him with you. But he wouldn't budge. Not an inch.

"You don't know anything about my pain. As I said before." he declared coldly.

"Yeah, I don't. Sooo, maybe tell me why you're so sad and distant? As I asked before, wait maybe I didn't." you asked.

"Get away from me." he said, very rudely while slapping away your hand rudely. Your gramma would have slapped him right there and then with a slipper. "Young uns these days, no respect." she would always say.

"Sire, may I please ask you to stop treating me like that." you massaged your wrist.

"This world is imperfect. I will rule over it. Thats my destiny, and thats what I am for. Power is the only thing necessary." Indra said menacingly. Oh god. Imagine if this guy had the Death Note. The world would have ended in a split second.

"I don't believe in destiny dattebayo. I only believe in becoming Hokage dattebane." you replied. He scowled at you.

"Still playing around and making a fool of yourself? Life isn't a game, Y/N. You don't see the truth. All you do is blind yourself with foolish ideals and fantasies." he thundered. Wow, you'd never have thought you would hear that from a guy who was 100% fictional and a part of fangirls' fantasies in your world. Worth a million dollars moment.

"Listen, we all have our own fair share of pain, alright? There are people without parents, people with monsters living inside them that don't let them sleep, people who had their clan massacred by their own elder brother then killed him then found out he was actually good then went to destroy the people of the village 'cause shitty elders, then left it and said he'd become Hokage after World War Four ninja version, then got made fun of by everyone, then defeated main villain with best friend then decided its a good idea to try to take over the world and kill said friend, then lose an arm with him and finally gain a brain cell after losing that arm in exchange for it, equivalent exchange indeed." you tried to explain but ended up narrating Sasuke's life story. "Anyways, everyone is suffering. You're suffering too, but we can change that! Like, uh, I can tell you the story of Naruto, and we can hang out!" you said enthusiastically. Indra just glared at you.

"Listen. There are three different views in this world. 'There is nothing but pain and futility in this world.' 'Those who break the rules are scum.' 'Those who don't protect their friends are even worse scum.' Now, its up to you what you choose. I can't tell you to stop crying and grow up. I can't tell you to be positive. I can't tell you to change your view. But, you can choose your path, after carefully thinking and letting it all out. You've been hiding it all these years. I know because I used to do it too. Dumb people like us even resort to harming ourselves. But, if you'd like to, I'll hear it all, alright? I don't want you to be alone. I'm not the best at helping with stuff like that, but I'm a good listener." you offered. Kakashi, Obito and Madara were probably crying over how proud they were of you in the future.

"I've always been alone. And I've learnt that love and bonds, and 'beautiful' emotions such as that are useless and are fragile concepts which can be broken by anyone who does something wrong. People are foolish  hateful, creatures. And I'll change that." he scowled. You held his hand and he flinched.

"Well, maybe try to look at it for a while longer? Just give it a bit more time. What I mean to say is, uh, you shouldn't think of ruling everyone before preparing for it and what they say. Okay, I make no sense." you scratched the back of your head. "Well, I'll listen to the rest too."

Indra told you hesitantly about his past, and his father. Well, mostly his papa dearest who noticed everything but refused to even look at him. Deyum, Hagoromo was like the Third Hokage was with Naruto, although Hiruzen was obviously much worse. He talked about the hatred and weakness that existed amongst people, something he'd vowed to change. You ruffled his hair.

"Indra. Don't take it all on yourself, okay? Just rest sometimes. I'm not the best at helping, as I said earlier, so I don't really know what to say except for, well, I'm here." you grinned. And for the first time, you swore you saw something like a soft look from him.

A/N: Ah, so bad at writing, just speedrunning everything due to laziness.

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