Chapter 10

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Indra rushed after Asura, and was pulled down in a similar fashion, after which you ran after him, with Ryosaki and Naki running after you. Black hands covered every part of your body and you were pulled down. You fell beside Indra and an unconscious Asura. Naki and Ryosaki landed swiftly beside you. You looked around. It was dark, and dim light seemed to come from somewhere, although you saw no source of light. Rotten corpses were strewn across the ground, which was covered with stones, and skeletons and skulls adorned the walls. You felt nauseous as the smell of rotting corpses made its way to your nose. The stench of blood roamed in the air, making you feel sick to the core. Indra seemed disturbed as well, and covered his nose, but the other two seemed unfazed.

"Tch, the Underworld. What we gonna do now, phoenix?" Ryosaki asked Naki who shrugged. It was really puzzling why he called Naki a "phoenix". Was Naki an Ayakashi too? But wasn't he born to human parents? It was really confusing.

"The Underworld?" Indra asked. He had rolled Asura over so that he lay on his back and narrowed his eyes, which were now red with black tomoes spinning wildly, towards Naki and Ryosaki. You too, glanced inquisitively in their direction.

"Its a pain to explain all of that, so follow me." Naki said, in a way that he usually never spoke. He usually chose his words carefully and spoke in a polite manner, so it was unusual to see him speaking in a way that he always deemed 'vulgar'. A scowl was plastered on his face, which was unusual as well, since he usually smiled all the time, no matter what.

As you followed him (Indra did so reluctantly), you saw horrible demon like creatures with twisted bodies walking all over, while some looked perfectly normal. A woman with long pink hair made her way towards you and grabbed Naki's arm. He swept her arm off his with a dangerous glare.

"Naki-sama, you have returned! Have you made this dog your slave? Are these humans your prey?" she asked, looking at you, Indra who had slung on his back and Ryosaki who had a tick mark on his forehead, looking absolutely annoyed.

"Stay away from me, filth." Naki hissed at her, which made her squeal in joy and blush. The. Actual. Fudge. Naki pressed a hand to his forehead before leading you onwards. You wanted to ask what was going on but something about Naki made you hold back and decide to ask him later. He led you to a central dome like place, and you entered through the huge double doors, which opened with a creaking sound. The floor was now black, and a red carpet sprawled in the middle of the dome, leading towards a throne at the very end of the dome. It was a black throne with purple gems, and a girl with long silver hair and blue eyes sat upon it, glancing at the visitors for a split second before standing up.

"What do you want, grandson?" she asked with a tired voice, walking right up to Naki. Wait what? Grandson? She looked even younger than him with her delicate sixteen year old stature and young face. Indra too, seemed to be confused.

"Grandmother, I need you to send me back up. We have mistakenly fallen in here through the Eye of The East." Naki explained. Your mind was full of even more questions as he spoke this. The girl chuckled before grabbing your hand. You felt her pull at the air near your chest and saw her remove something black.

"A soul composed of dark matter, hm?" the girl chuckled. "Young maiden, I bestow the power of deeming others' powers unworthy unto thee, for I believe it is you who can change the fate of this world." she stuffed the black thing into you, which now glowed with strange, gleaming, golden letters on it. They were in a strange language so you couldn't understand anything.

"Goodness gracious." Naki sighed. The silver haired woman laughed loudly before spreading her hands wide. The black wall behind her throne gave way to a magnificent waterfall with sparkling crimson water, and a black staircase right in front of it. The four of you made your way to the top, ascending the staircase, and reached the west side of the shrine, opposite to where you'd entered that strange place from.

"Explain." Indra used one word to break the silence that had settled in on the four of you. Naki crossed his arms and sighed.

"Well I assume the Princess wants to know as well, so I shall make an exception and reveal it on your command, only this one time. The place we just visited was the Underworld and that woman was my grandmother, Usukuragari, the Princess of the Underworld." Naki started.

"But wait! Aren't your parents human? Or are they-" you started to ask but Naki cut you off.

"Please do not question till I finish, Princess. My grandmother Usukuragari is a black phoenix, and she married a red dragon, Ryukizatsu. My father, a red phoenix, was born from the two. He fell in love with a human woman, my mother, who had his child. However, when a human falls in love with an Ayakashi, due to the seperate beings they are, humans easily forget those Ayakashi, if they are not half human. My mother forgot my father, and married the king of a nation who liked her for her beauty, and thought that the child in her womb was his. And I am, well, a half phoenix. This idiot here is a red dog, a sort of komainu (guardian dog) which you see at shrines. He has formed a contract with Otohime to guard that shrine." Naki finished. Ryosaki nodded.

"And now because of Usukuragari, I can't even claim this human anymore." Ryosaki snarled. Naki chuckled.

"What exactly did she do to Y/N?" Indra demanded, his tone a bit dark and anger glinting in his crimson eyes.

"Well, grandmother is convinced that Princess is special. She possesses a soul composed of dark matter much like mine, and grandmother has unleashed her potential to nullify chakra." Naki smiled. "And I shall personally train her in this art." Indra seemed shocked, well, you were as well. But chakra nullifying could come extremely handy. After all, Black Zetsu was composed of chakra. You smiled.

I'm gonna finally become strong.

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