i know its my fault

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i still think of you sometimes

i know i shouldnt 

i know you probably havent thought about me in over a month

i havent talked to you in over a month, i cant believe how crazy that sounds

we went from talking every day to, i havent talked to you in a month

but in between that you would avoid me at all costs

to be completely honest im not entirely sure what i did wrong

i know i said some stuff

i know what i said seemed very out of context to you

i knew the reason behind what i said 

and all i did was protect and defend a true friend

im a little upset at myself that i didnt come out fully and tell you what happend, who said the stuff that made me say stuff that would lead to us loosing eachother

but i couldnt because my actual friend asked me not to

you might hate me now 

and for whatever reason im okay with that

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