i just cant let you go

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ive tried to move on believe me

i even found other friends

im learning to accept that what you did to me was wrong on your end not mine

believe me it took me a long while to be even somewhat convinced of it

i cant put the blame on you for whatever reason

even though it is your fault

i hope your happy with your boyfriend 

just wanted to let you know hes a jealous homophobic dick 

and the friends we used to share might screw you over 

ill be here if you ever need me but i cant fall for you again

im working on getting over you, and its not going to well, cause you always just fall into my thoughts 

you make me wish i wasnt who i am just so you would maybe love me or at this point even like me

i miss you and i wish it didnt end the way it did

but the past is in the past and we will always have different views and memories of eachother

you might remember me as the girl who once liked you and use me/the relationship we had as an awkward conversation starter and/or the girl who said things to the group of friends and you ghosted or you might just remember the good things and our happy memories but that too much to ask

just know you will always have a special place in my heart, the first real crush i ever had, the girl who made me realize i wasnt completely straight, and the beautiful girl with eyes the same color as her hair and a beautiful laugh that used to light up my day, who now just makes me remember the old times and how they were somewhat better. 

i wish i could finally let you go completely, but im not their yet, i do wish i was

one day

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