36. Unexpected encounter

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They were finally close to Lumiose city, to see Clemont after a long time. The only thing that was needed was to get into city through forest.

But everything changed when Bonnie heard voice calling out from forest.

"Did you guys hear it?" Bonnie asked turning to the forest, where it was most dense. Serena and Ash turned to her confused, but before they could say anything, Bonnie eard another one, this one was quieter, but it still made Bonnie to run into the forest.

"BONNIE!" both Ash with Serena yelled, but she ignored them. They ran after her, but she was having easier way through the thick forest.

Bonnie ran, hearing Dedenne calling out to her, but she couldn't ignore the voice, it was in pain. She ran through the big bush, to see a small green pokemon. It had small wing and green antennas. Its green body was covered in scratches and the pokemon was heavily breathing. She picked it up without hesitating and placing her hand on its forehead. It was burning.

"Bonnie!" Ash yelled, as he walked through the bush, seeing Bonnie's back. "There you are, wh-" he froze in his words as he saw the pokemon in her arms. "It is Celebi." he said when Serena got there as well, seeing the same thing.

"Celebi?" she asked confused and pulled out her pokedex.

"Celebi, Time Travel pokemon, Psychic-grass. It has the power to travel across time, but it is said to appear only in peaceful times."

"This one definitely didn't come from peaceful time." Ash said, as he placed his hand over its forehead. "Celebi is burning as hell. We need to take her to Clemont. He will help us." Ash said, on which Bonnie broke out from her small trance and nodded. But when Ash reached to take Celebi, Bonnie ignored him and ran once ahead.

As they ran through city, recieving some attention, they finally got to the Prism tower, only for it to fail opening its doors.

"What?" Bonnie asked confused, as she opened the small panel, typing in the code. But instead of opening, it revealed eye scan. She tried to scan her eye, but it failed.

"I guess Clemont made some new upgrydes to security if the gym is closed." Ash said from side, watching how Bonnie opened another panel, revealed number pad, typing in numbers and after a while, it revealed Clembot.

"Hello Bonnie, what can I do for you?" Clembot asked as his big robotic head was on screen.

"Open the door Clembot." she said, on which door finally opened and let them in.

When they finally reached the floor, Clemont stood there with smile that changed quickly when he saw Bonnie with Celebi.

"Oh my- take her to medical room, Clembot will know what to do. And with this, Bonnie was gone, leaving older trio alone. "Hi guys, I wish it was under better circumstances, but I am still happy to see you again." he said as he received big smiles from both of them.

"I know this wasn't planned like this, but I hope you are prepared on both things right?" Ash asked with slight grin. Clemont nodded and went to look on Bonnie.

"Ash?" Serena asked, making Ash to look at her. "Do you think it is just coincidence, that Celebi appeared on this exact day?" 

Serena's question surprised Ash, but he wasn't sure that it came to her mind or the question aimed for him. "I am not sure Serena. I met Celebi a few time and those times were a little bit random." Ash answered with looking in her eyes, showing he was talking truth.

Serena looked up to him, making small giggle to herself. "Ok, let's go wait for Clemont to bring Bonnie. We can at least prepare." Ash agreed with her words and followed her.

Clemont walked slowly to medical room, looking around, looking into rooms, remembering. He remembered how he showed Bonnie the first time around here, how she looked amazed by it. How both of them watched the battles so he could prepare to be proper gym leader. Like she would say he could be the best in Kalos.

He never thought about it, but he loved being the gym leader the same way as his creation, that wouldn't blow up. He upset he couldn't have enough time on both things, but that was why he created Clembot. So he could still make his creations and also have the energetic life on gym battles. After what he felt with Clembot, after it kicked him and Bonnie out of his gym, he was upset. What he didn't realise then was, that he could at least have more time with his younger sister. To help her with everything he could.

And then, he met Ash. An awesome trainer, who showed him what determination for battles and life really is. How he cared about his pokemon so much he could. But also he showed him, that him or his father didn't have to be only one to help with raising Bonnie. Ash and Serena showed her so much for the past months. He was one time angry, because he felt useless for his young sister.

Their mother wanted him to be the best older brother he could be and that was what he did. But he didn't realise one thing, that caring for her meant that she would care about him the same way. That was what he saw after his talk with Ash in camp, after she ran to him, scared for him. They were there for each other, every day.

He finally walked inside the medical room, seeing Bonnie standing over the big glowing tube. Inside was Celebi, being healed as best they could. Clembot watched the information he received, but so far nothing looked bad. But for Bonnie, it looked like Celebi went through hell.

"Celebi will be fine Bonnie. It just need healing." Clemont said with calm voice, bringing one his over her shoulders.

"I know, but also I am not sure." Bonnie said and as feeling confusion on Clemont's face, she added. "I just feel something is more to it for Celebi to come here in such bad state." Bonnie's worries were clouding her mind, forgetting what she was waiting for so long and so Clemont took her hand and brought her away. Clembot followed them letting the room turned on, but before he walked out, Clembot connected to room's security.

"Where are we going Clemont?" Bonnie asked as they walked through hall. On the end were door to zhe kitchen, which were under lit up by light from other side.

When Clemont opened the door for Bonnie to walk in, the sudden yelling and different colors made her surprise, but most of the big sign above them.


A.T.: Shorter chapter and these next will be shorter as well, but expect it will be something remembered in this book.

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