3. Promise and another beginning

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"So, would you like to have a two-on-two or just one-on-one match? It's up to you." Ash said as he crossed to one side of the garden.

"I'd like two to two." said Max from the other side of the garden.

"OK!" Ash said, looking at the two Pokémon by his side, "I think I'll use it, just you." he said to Pikachu and Teddiursa and bent down, "I know this is your first match, so don't worry and put everything you can into it." he said to Teddiursa.

"Tedi!" said little bear like pokemon with determanation in eyes.

"Brock could you do us a referee?" asked Max he pulled out one pokeball.

"Sure." Brock said, stepping between the two trainers. "This will be a match between Ash and Max in a two-on-two fight. The match will end until one side is unable to continue."

"Go Teddiursa!"

"Go Ralts!"

Teddiursa ran forward, while on the other side of the pokebal appeared a small pokemon with a white body and a green hair-like blanket between which were small pink horns.

"You caught Ralts. That's good. They're relatively rare." Ash said admiringly.

"But I didn't find him. Ralts found me." Max replied, looking at the Ralts.

"What do you mean? Have you seen this Ralts before?" Ash said as he thought, "Is this the same one we found when we traveled through Hoenn?"

"Yep! Since our split, Ralts hasn't split apart, at least not psychically. Because he knew exactly the day I went for my first Pokemon."

"Wow so that's great." Ash said with the stars in his eyes.

"Both sides ready?" Brock asked as the two trainers nodded. "Battle begin!"

"I will take first attack. Use disarming Voice." Max shouted.

Ralts took long breath and then let out loud sound.

"Dodge and then use scratch." Ash immediately.

Teddiursa jumped away dogging attack and then charged at Ralts with white claws making contact with Ralts. 

"Ralts are you ok?" Max asked worriedly. Ralts then just stood up and shook down dust. "Nice and now use double team." 

From one Ralts appeard more copies of Ralts looking same. Teddiursa then started to panicked little not sure what to do.

"Don't worry and use baby-Doll Eyes."

Teddiursa closed up eyes and then opened them with the cutest look. Around all copies then glowed blue light.

"Use disarming Voice again!" shouted Max again.

Copies of Ralts then let out again loud sound this time hitting Teddiursa. But Teddiursa stood up not hurt so much. After that copies of Ralts disappeared.

Max immediately realized what Ash had done. Instead of blindly pursuing the possibility of finding the right one and getting full damage, he weakened the possible damage.

"That was clever Ash, but we're not done yet." Max said to Ash.

"We neither." Ash smirked "Use scratch."

Teddiursa then charged speedly at Ralts. Max thought that it will probably again dont as much damage. Ash then smirked about his reaction.

"Teddiursa change it to lick quickly and use it repeatedly." Ash said.

Max's eyes then widened at change of attack and didn't have enough time to do anything because it was to late. Teddiursa started licking Ralts with super effective attack. When Teddiursa backed away Ralts looked tired.

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