67. The Story of the Chosen One

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"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!" Sanpei stood still as Ippei yelled at him. "Bringing a person marked for death by all ninja rules set by all remaining villages?!"

"He saved my life!" Sanpei protested.

"And did it occur to you that he might have done it to use you? That he wanted an easy access to our village?" Ippei answered back.

"I don't know! You were the one who told him after challenger he is welcome in the village." Sanpei countered back. "You were the one who told me to pick him up and his friends to-"

"Enough!" Sanpei went silent. "You are lucky. If I didn't admit it, you and his friends would all be in prison cells with him." Ippei continued. "He was lucky too. I don't know why, but master decided to spare him on last second. But don't think it doesn't raise complications. People of our village demand to know more. What do you want to tell me so I can tell them." Ippei said turning back to Sanpei. "Could you also explain how one moment he didn't harm Nihei and others. And the moment Shinobu arrives to deal with him, he has such a bloodlust that if it wasn't for her skills, she would be dead. Can you explain that?!"

Sanpei went silent. He couldn't. When Sanpei watched it, he couldn't recognise the person that fought with Shinobu.

Ippei let out sigh, pinching his nose. He looked at his younger brother. Although it was a big problem, he knew his brother. He wouldn't do it without reason.

"Tell me what you know about him. Don't leave out any details."

Meanwhile, outside, everyone in group were together in one of the houses. Korrina walked around the house saying nothing. Serena made small braids in Bonnie's hair, both of them trying to think of other things. Clemont tried to draw new invention but everytime his pencil touched a paper, he couldn't continue. Serena, for a moment, looked to her side and saw Pikachu with his head and ears down. Next to him were Ash's pokeballs.

Finally, Korrina cracked the silence by knocking on the door. "Can you let us out!"

From the other side of the door, two ninjas sat. "Couldn't we just put them with the Doomed one?"

"Master and lady Shinobu said they would stay here. We are making sure they don't wonder off." The other ninja replied. "Whatever you like it or not, Kentaro. And I know you are angry because he almost defeated us."

"That is not the point Riku. I am okay with being beaten by strong opponent. What I am not okay with is not executing a Doomed." Answered Kentaro.

Riku was about reply, but someone else did it for him. "We listen to what master says and our leader commands. He wished for the boy to live, that he was allowed was up to our leader. Do you plan to disrespect direct commands?" Shinobu appeared right before the two ninjas.

"No ma'am!" Kentaro replied.

"Good. Now return to your original posts. I will take care of them now." Both Kentaro and Riku nodded and were gone in a blur. Shinobu looked back at the door that was slightly shaking from the banging, and she could hear the yelling.

She opened the door to see the Shalour city gym leader. She could see Korrina's cheecks warm up from embarrasment.

"I would like all of you to come with me." Shinobu said.

"Why?" Serena asked as she and Bonnie stood up.

"Because I need you so your friend can answer my questions." Shinobu answered.

"What do you mean?" Serena asked again.

"I will answer on the way. Now, please follow me." Shinobu said, turning around and walking away.

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