𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐭.

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐗

It was the next morning. The sun rays shone into the dorm room, casting bright light which bounded off the walls. The group groaned in annoyance, stuffing pillows on their head to dim out the light and sound. Their heads pounded from the excessive alcohol they had consumed the night before, and their ears still rang from the newfound silence after hours of music.

Marlene surprisingly got herself up first, having been sick and went to bed earlier than the rest of the group. Lily and Lani were the next up, an hour later than Marlene that is. Lani went straight to the bathroom and ran the faucet to cold water. She splashed her face to waken herself up, and looked to her reflection as the water dripped down her face. Her sight was still blurry from the sleep in her eyes, and her mind was working slower than usual, making her frustrated and she 'humphed' as she back entered into the room, causing Kasie to wake up fully.

"Lani please be quiet, you need to stop stomping around the room." Kasie said in a grugy voice.

"I have been walking normally, I haven't even stomped?!" Lani replied, in a similar voice.

"Oh...it must just be the hangover then." Kasie said, causing the girls to laugh harder than how funny the statement actually was.

As they slowly got up and changed for breakfast, they met a group of rowdy boys, their boys.

"How are you so loud at this time in the morning?" Mary asked, squinting her eyes to block out the light as much as she could.

"We aren't rowdy!" James protested. This was in fact, untrue. Only moments before they had been chanting and shouting, at 9am. The girls rolled their eyes as they left the stuffy common room from the mass body of students who were in it the night before, and made their way down to the Great Hall. It was Saturday morning, which meant they had a bit of the day to themselves to study and relax after a long school week.

As they sat down to breakfast, they grabbed platefuls of sausages and beans, steering clear of the egg as the smell made their weak stomachs churn with distaste. They sat and reminisced on the memories they had made the night before, and laughed at each other's stories. Sirius and Kasie sat next to each other, and were giggling and smiling throughout the entire breakfast. The whole ordeal made Lani feel rather ill, with a mix of jealousy and disgust at their PDA. It was through her disgust that she realised a member of their group was missing, Bucky.

"Hey boys, you didn't happen to see Bucky around this morning did you? Was he still sleeping when you left?" Lani asked, causing the boys to turn their heads to her.

"No he was up, and running around quite frantically looking for something. We told him we were going down for breakfast and the only response we got was a few curses muttered under his breath. Hope he's alright" Remus responded, before getting a nudge on the arm.

"Speak of the devil." James said, nodding his head in the direction of the grand doors opening to the hall. In came a disheveled looking Bucky, making a beeline to the unsuspecting group eating their breakfast.

"Have any of you seen where my letters have gone? They were on my desk last night as I was getting ready for the party. I woke up to them having disappeared!" Bucky exclaimed, out of breath from running.

"Did your owl maybe take them already?" Peter suggested.

"No, no they weren't done yet, I had just left the pieces of parchment sitting, faced down on my desk." Bucky explained. The group shook their heads and assured him they had nothing to do with the disappearance, all except for Sirius. Bucky diverted his eyes on Sirius.

"Would you happen to know anything Sirius? You look far too guilty over there." Bucky said, shifting the group's eyes to the pale boy opposite him.

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