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Before I had anxiety I could walk around a mall up in glasgow by myself while Rebecca was in school but I can't even go into a small shop by myself.

I used to love going for showers, I felt calm and stress-free, I used to love taking a breath after a long day but know it's stressful, it feels like a choir. it's no longer relaxing or calming. 

Writing used to come to me so quickly cause I went out a lot and got idea's but now I go out like once a month that's that for shopping

And get moaned at for not going out much but to be fair, kat always has the car, she works, helps out her old boss when she is off, she has rainbows on Thursdays. She has friends to see and I don't. 

I wish I could write like I used to. 

But I'm lucky if I ger a chapter out once a month plus with housework, cooking, playing with my nephew on Roblox. 

Yes, I don't like games but he is my nephew and I love him so yes I play it with him.

I know I'm getting something thro the post so I'm waiting for that so I'm shaking like crazy, kat has something come thro the post and didn't know that was going to happen which didn't help at all.

Well, mine is arriving between 1 pm to 3:30 pm so anytime know.

I'm so tired these days and I'm sure what's wrong with me. 

Well, I'm off cause .. I'm bored and tired.

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