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Bradley was playing a videogame the game was a basketball game he says "alright arabella I'm gonna hit you with the move LeBron used" he does the move but after it was used the game glitched and deleted a character arabella says "what happened that is not supposed to happen" the tv then shines and they get sucked into the server-verse bradley says "what is this place" algi appears and says "welcome mr mccarrroll and mrs grace" bradley says "why'd you bring us here" algi says "I didn't need you bradley all I needed was arabella because of her potential" arabella walks over to him and she says "I'm interested" algi then says "great" she says "but what about my brother" suddenly a little blue creature appears and says "well brad I'll cut you a deal" bradley says "and that is?" "if you can beat me in a little game of basketball you two can go to your original boring lives" as he tries to take bradley's glasses bradley just slaps his hand away and says "and if I lose?" algi says "you have to stay here forever" bradley says "alright deal I'll do it do I get like a team or something like that" algi says "that's the fun part you have to make your team" bradley says "alright" he then says "pete send this loser to the rejects" pete pulls out a lever and then pulls it as it lands on imp city as the ground opens beneath bradley as he falls as he sees different worlds finally landing at imp city as his body changes he gets horns gets a demon tail and his body turns red as he lands with a loud thud.

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