how you met

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Namjoon: You had recently just moved back to Korea, and Namjoon was walking around with his head in a book. He then crashes into, causing you to drop your things. He instantly is captivated by you, and asks you if you need help getting around. Of course you accept his offer as he's one of the most handsome men you've ever came across. not to mention he's nice too!

Jin: you both was in a toy store. in the plushie section to be exact. You both reach out and grab the same stuffed toy, when he turns to you and goes 'You're really gonna steal a plushie from worldwide Handsome'. Leaving you giggling to yourself, you make it up to him by buying him lunch.

Yoongi: You're favourite spot to read so happens to be next to a basketball court. when Yoongi was playing with a few of his friends, when suddenly the ball comes flying towards youre face knocking the fresh coffee onto your lap. Yoongi comes running over offering his jacket and asks if he can take you to get a new coffee to make up for the ball hitting you.

Hobi: You we're both around 7 years old. The park was always you're favourite place. But one day the usual kids who pick on you at school turned up. and started to make fun of you for your clothes as you wasn't from a well off family. but luckily Hobi was there to help you, ever since, you have been bestfriends. soulmates if you will. 

Jimin: You was in the club, sat at the bar. You caught the attention of a group of older men, they were forcing themselves on you. Until.... Jimin comes over, 'Jagi, i've been looking for you, Who are they?!' he turns to the men bothering you 'why are you talking to my girl!'.
they leave. thankfully. You go to thank Jimin but he left. leaving his number on a napkin, which read '074261962251, call me pretty;)' leaving you blushing

Taehyung: In a music store, you were admiring the violins, when taehyung comes up to you, 'Do you play?'. Startled, you turn around, to lay your eyes upon, the most beautiful man you've ever seen, with no shoes on. but you didn't think anything of it. you then reply 'N-no not really, i just find them mesmerising.'. Taehyungs eyes lit up 'i could teach you! because you see i'm a famous idol. not sure if you've heard of me. i'm Kim taehyung. nice to meet you'. You stand there astonished by how you never recognised him, especially how much you like BTS. ' I'm Xin Y/N, Nice to meet you to. And you don't have to teach me, i'll just watch some youtube tutorials.'. Taehyung then gave you his phone, hinting at you to give him your phone number. You do and since then you see each other every tuesday and thursday when he's free where he teaches you about music.

Jungkook: Ever since you was a kid you always loved going to the arcade. You always played on the racing games. when one day you noticed someone on them. normally no one uses them. but today was different. you go and sit next to Jungkook, and ask him if you can join him and he pats the seat next to him, you then played for 6 hours straight and because inseparable since.

BTS preferencesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ