when you wear yoga pants

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He would sneakily stare at you, and grin to himself. He would also not let you forget how much he loves those yoga pants, he would probably complain that they aren't. Gucci and would insist in buying you some.

Jin would tease you but also make sure you know how good you look, he would also tell you off " yah, Y/N, you look to good in those yoga pants, other men will stare at you. you are mine!" He'd continue to pout until you give in and agree to wear a different pair in public.

He would pull you into his lap, whilst he is working, and with his free hand he would softly roam your thighs. Notice that you are blushing and would grin to himself. He would also make sure you wear them more often.

Jungkook would blush every time you turn around, having to pry his eyes away from your lower half, and he would scold himself every time he did so. When you catch looking, you purposefully move in front of him and pretend to pick something up off of the floor to tease him.

As Jimin doesn't hide his affection, he would slap your backside whenever he could get the chance. Jimin would always be extra touchy when you wear yoga pants. Physically unable to keep his hands off of you, you didn't really mind Jimin's hands always being on you as you loved how much you affected him.

Hobi being the sweetheart he is, would always shower you with compliments, making sure you feel good about yourself. He would be such a sweetheart about it. But as innocently as he acts, he always makes sure to sneak a peek whenever he could.

Namjoon would gawk at your backside, shamelessly. His eyes would follow you as you. moved. He would bite his lip, eventually after being teased enough he would turn you around by the waist, pick you up, making sure his hands were on your backside, and would scold you for teasing him so much, "Hmmmm, what did i say about you teasing me?!"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2021 ⏰

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