Namjoon Imagine

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You and Namjoon, have recently gotten married. You're out to the public. Life is going well. You two are happy. Life is good. Right?

Until.... something changes everything...

For the past 3 days you've been feeling constantly sick and dizzy, your friends have been asking whether you're pregnant... But you can't be right. You use protection.

Currently, You're at HYBE visiting Namjoon at work, you and the boys are all gathered in one of the many lounges HYBE has to offer  When suddenly, you feel like you're going to throw up, sprinting down the hallway. you only just make it to the bathroom, when Namjoon appears behind you, holding your hair up as you empty everything out of your body. You'd never been sick this much. Ever.

Horrified you turn to Namjoon, Whom looks as worried as you. Panic takes over your body. You start questioning whether you are pregnant or not.

'Are you pregnant?' Namjoon questions.
'I don't know? I don't understand how I could be, we use protection!'
'Jagi, you know they aren't always affective, and if you are pregnant, we will be great parents I know we will'
'But what if we aren't ready Joonie? Kids are a big responsibility, and you're at the prime of your career.'

Suddenly, Namjoon sweeps you off your feet and reassures you that it will all work out.
'Y/N, I will always make time for you and our family, You mean the world to me'

You start blushing, when you decide to head home, to take a pregnancy test.

It turns out to be positive!

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