When you leak in the bed when on your period. HYUNG LINE

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Namjoon: He would be the first awake. And he would notice the red puddle underneath you. He would gently get out of bed and run you a bath (breaking the towel rack whilst grabbing you warm towels, waking you up). When you notice the blood on the bed, you break down in tears. He runs over to you and cuddles you and says 'it's okay, it's natural. Don't worry Jagi, i've run you a bath. please get in whilst i change the bed'. You have your bath and afterwards you both spend the day in bed and go for a late night walk to get you some fresh air.

Seokjin: He wouldn't notice until you tiptoe your way into the kitchen where he is making breakfast. You whisper 'J-jin. I've erm. leaked in the bed'. He would gently turn to you. with a confused look on his face. when he realises what you meant. He rushes to you. hugging you telling you everything is okay. He then goes to his closet and grabs you some of his comfiest clothes and gestures to the bathroom and says ' Y/N don't worry, get yourself cleaned up. Breakfast should be ready when you're done. We can then play mario kart all day to make you feel better'

Yoongi: At first he wouldn't know how to react as he's still half asleep, he pulls you into him not caring about the crimson coloured stain on his bed. He snuggles his head into your neck, knowing that it calms you down. You get flustered and jump up from the bed with an embarrassed look on your face. He notices 'Jagiya Come back to bed. we can sort the stain out later. it's not a big deal'. You do join him again after you change Pjs as you didn't want to be uncomfortable and placed your head on his chest as he rubbed your back until you fell asleep again.

Hobi: He tries his hardest to cheer you up with his smiley self, but he soon realised that it wasn't enough to stop your cramps. He runs to the store and returns with Pads, chocolate and even a giant teddy bear. You realise how lucky you are to have him. And throw yourself on him as he smoothers you in sweet kisses on your head.

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