Where they took you on your first date

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Namjoon: He took you to a fancy restaurant, where you sat outside on the terrace, next to the sea. Talking about conspiracy theories and goals that you want to achieve in life. from kids to where you'd like to be in 10 years.

Jin: Jin would take you to the Aquarium where he will be in awe of you whilst you are lost in the world of sea creatures, also a good place for jin to check himself out in the glass ahah

Yoongi: You and Yoongi, would have a cute picnic in a park, as the sun sets you lie down on the grass and stare at the sky, talking about feelings and all your interests and aspirations.

Hobi: He would take you to a roller skating rink, where you too would skate to disco tunes, giggling and laughing all evening, later going to a fast food cafe and have strawberry milkshakes, sprite and hamburgers (all of hobis favourites)

Jimin: Similar to Namjoon, he would take you to a nice restaurant, but you'd sit inside and have a candle lit dinner, where you would be caught off guard by his beauty, he will catch you staring and tease you about it. Later driving you home.

Taehyung: You would stay home and order in, he would obviously choose panda express as he loves it so much, and then you would both go into the living room and have a movie marathon of old movies until you both fall asleep.

Jungkook: You will both goto the amusement park, he will win you lots of teddy bears and you will both go on the pirate ship multiple times because you both love the rush, afterwards you would go to every food cart and have a crazy sugar rush, and collapse on a bench laughing until your stomachs hurt.

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