Chapter two

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Vinnies POV

I am just sitting on the couch looking through insta when I hear a knock at the door. I walk over to the door and open it.

"Hey thomas! How are y-" says the voice. But I cut her off.

"Uh Im not thomas," I tell the girl.

Then I realized I wasn't really looking at the girl. I then took a good look at her and I think I just started starring into space. There stood the most georgues fucking girl I've ever seen in my entire life. She had curly, hazel brown hair with a little bit of blond highlights, and she had bright blue eyes and her body- Let me tell you was georgues. However, She didn't look like most other girls I know. She had a pretty muscular body, and her arms looked like she could beat the shit out of y- then I was cut of of my thinking.

(Vinnies normal olivia is bold. just for the parts with only olivia and VInnie)

"Hey, uhh dude, you good?"

"Oh ya, sorry, come in," I say back to her.

"Oh ok thanks. I should probably introduce myself. Im Olivia so ." She says.

"Oh you must be the new girl coming to move in. Im Vinnie," I say.

"Where are the other people?" says Olivia.

"Oh there downstairs. Follow me." I say.

She answers ok and she follows me down to the basement.

"GUYS! Look whos hear?" I say.

Every one takes one look at her and says, "OLIVIA!!"

End of VInnies POV

Olivias POV

VInnie leads me down to the basement and everyone screams OLIVIA! I guess they already know me. I guess that's good. Then I hear thomas.

Thomas: Hey! NIce to see you!

OLIVia: You too thomas! it feels like everyone already knows me.

Thomas: WEllll we have been stocking your insta, tiktok, twitter, and snap, sooo ya.

OLivaia:  Why does that not surprise me?

VInnie: Ok ok enough guys lets show her her room.

Micheal: Ooooo look at vincent standing up for his girly friend.

Vinnie: *mutures* Shut the fuck up.

(After they lead me to my room)

Vinnie leads me to my room and I start unpacking everything. After I start unpacking all of my clothes, shoes, makeup, and skincare, I slowly start to unpack my most prized positions: my medals. Idk why metals are so important to me. I guess its just a reminder of the things that I worked and trained  so hard to accomplish. Anways, After about five fucking hours. I FINALLY Get everything unpacked and ready.
Then I Hear a knock on my door.

Vinnies POV
Everyone in the house has already gone to bed except me and maybe Olivia. I decide to get her some food cause she's probably hungery after unpacking for hours. So I order some Chick-fil-A online and wait.

Fifteen minutes later I hear the door bell ring. I open it and grab the food. Then I tiptoe up the stairs to Olivia's room. I knock on the door.

Olivia's POV
I hear a knock on my door. And there stand vinnie with a bag of Chick-fil-A in his hand.
Vinnie : hey uhh so I bought you some food cuz I thought you were probably hungery after unpacking for so long. So uhh hear you go.

Olivia: aww thankyou so much. And how did you know Chick-fil-A was my fav?
Vinnie: oh idk it's my fav so I thought I'd see if you wanted to try it.
Olivia: ok Vincent your officially my homie. You like Chick-fil-A.
Vinnie: haha lol. We homies!

Olivia: yaaas

Vinnie: ok imma go. I leave you some privacy.

Olivia. Wait! Can you stay? I wanna get to know you better.

Vinnie: oh ok. Ooo I have a good way we can get to know each other!
Olivia and vinnie: 21 QUESTIONS!!!
Vinnie: oh my gosh how did me do that lol
Olivia: haha idk.

Vinnie: ok I'll ask you first. What do you like to do for fun?

Olivia: ok well I love to box, wrestle, do weightlifting, and doing hard workouts.

Vinnie: wow! That's cool! I love to play video games, baseball, working out, weightlifting, and I did wrestling in middle school.

Olivia: oh cool! I guess we have a lot in common

Vinnie: ikr

Olivia: hey uhh do you maybe want to watch anime or something with me?

Vinnies POV

How come I get this feeling imma marry her one day. She literally likes the same things u like. And then to top it all off she wanted to watch ANIME!!!

Olivia's POV
I'm glad vinnie agreed to watch anime with me. I know it hasn't even been a day but like, I think I have a teensy crush on him. But bonobo Olivia you cant. You can't be broken after what happened with my ex. My ex who mentally and physically abused me, and raped me for three years. That is the reason why I'm so good at boxing and stuff. To defend my self.

Vinnie: so what anime u wanna watch?

Olivia: dragon ball?

Vinnie: bro that's my favorite!

Olivia: samee!

I then hop onto my bed.
Vinnie: I-I'll just sit on the floor.

Olivia: ya know that's not happening. Come up hear with me.
I say sighting for him to lay in bed with me.

Vinnie: oh ok

He then hopped on my bed with me and we star watching it. After about three episodes, I start to literally get so tired that I start to fall asleep...

Fight for you// Vinnie HackerWhere stories live. Discover now