chapter thirteen

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Olivia: Awww. Thats so sweet.

Christian: Haha its nothing. You wanna watch a movie while your eating breakfast.

Olivia: Ok sure!

I pat the emty spot in my bed to signal him to sit down. 

He does and we watch a movie.

After a while, I feel Christian pull me closer to him. 

I lay my head on his chest and fall asleep.

Micheals POV

I woke up and decided to go skate. I wanted to practice this new trick that I learned. After I had literally MASTERED the trick, I went to go find olivia to show her. 

I walk up to her room and open the door. And there I see liv and Christian cuddling. They are both fast asleep. I wonder when that happened. 

Then It came to me. Vinnie. VInnie didnt tell me if he liked liv or not, but I know for a fact that he had some type of feelings toward her. I wonder if he saw this. 
I walk to his room and knock on his door.

Vinnies POV

I am laying in my bed looking on instagram when I hear a knock at my door. 

Vinnie: Who is it?

Micheal: Micheal!

Vinnie: Oh come in. 

Micheal: So, did  you see liv and christian this morning?

Vinnie: uhh no?

Liv and Christian.

they must be hanging out or something. 

I could feel my jaw clench.

Micheal: They were, uhh cuddling in livs bed.

Vinnie: O-oh. u-um thats cool, I guess.

 Micheal: Vinnie, d-did you like her?

Vinnie: YES FINE I LIKED HER! i-i should be the one holding her right now. N-not that douch bag Christian. Livs supposed to be mine not his. 

I could already feel the tears form in my eyes. 

Micheal: O-oh vin Im so sorry.

Micheal then gives me a little side hug and walks out of my room, knowing  I wanted to be alone right now.

argg. I should have just confessed my feeling towards her. Then none of this would have happened. Gosh im so stupid.

three weeks later

Olivias POV:

Over that past three weeks, me and Christian have gone on a bunch of dates. Hes really sweet. Today we went on a picnic date and he asked me to be his girlfriend! I already told Vinnie and he was acting all weird about it. 

Even though me and christian have been dating for like a week now, it already seems like we have been dating for months.

Christian: Hey babe.

Olivia: Holy shit Christian you scare me!

Christian: Oh haha. Hey uhh so i was wondering if I could go hang out with an old friend of mine?

Olivia: ya absolutely. have fun!

Christian: Ok by love y- Oh shit nevermind.

Olivia: Wait what were you going to say?

Christian: I-i love you Olivia.

I smile to myself.

Olivia: Well Christian Plourde. I love you too.

He smiles and pecks me on the lips. Then he walks out the door.

Christians POV


This is the perfect time to cheat on her. Im planning to go see my ex, Mads lewis.

I get to her house and knock.

She then opens the door.

Mads: Oh hey Christian! 

Christian: hey sexy:)

Mads: Oo someones in the mood.

Christian: Of course baby.

We walk to her room and I set up my phone to record.

I call jackson and tell him to be ready to comfort liv.

Then they do things.

(Guys pretend christian and olivia already had seggs.)

Olivias POV

After christian lefts, I get up and get ready. Then I scroll on insta. And thats when I see it. A video. Of my boyfriend who had just told me he loved me, Cheating on me. The video was of him and some girl names Mads lewis FUCKING. 

I can feel the tears start to brim in my eyes. Why? Why me? Why does this have to happen to me?

I text Kouver about what happened and she comes to my room. 

Kouver: Aww Im so sorry baby. Its his fault. hes missing out on an AMAZING girlfriend.

She then gives me  hug. 

I just still cant stop crying. I then start to feel a panic attack coming.

Olivia: K-kouvre i-i c-cant b-breath.

Kouver: Oh shit! I-i dont know what I do.

The only person who knows how to stop this is vinnie.

all I need is Vinnie.

Olivia: G-get v-vinn-vinnie. p-pls. I n-need v-vinnie

Kouver: Ok ill go get him!

kouvers POV

I quickly run into vinnies room.

Vinnie: Jeeze kouver what do you w-

Kouver: Gosh vinnie shut the fuck up Olivias having a panic attack!! christian just cheated on her. The only person she wants right now is you. Hurry!

Vinnies POV

Holy shit. Livs having a panic attack. 

I quickly jump up out of my chair and run to livs room. I see her crouched up in the corner of her room, with tears running down her face. I walk over to her and wrap my arms arms around he tightly.

Jacksons POV

I hear crying coming from olivias room. This is the perfect chance. I run  into her room, and of course, I see vinnie there. 

FUCK. Of course vinnies there. 

THen I just walk out of the room.

Olivias POV

A few minutes after kouver went to get vinnie, I hear footstep quickly walk over to me. Then I feel a pair of strongs arms wrap around me tightly. 

Its vinnie.

I lay my head on his chest.

Vinnies POV

She then lays her head on my chest. I pull her onto my lap and I move her hair out of the way. I then start very lightly kissing up and down her neck because I new she loved it. 

I slowly start to feel her breathing calm down.

Olivia: v vin is that you?

Vvinnie: ya it's me baby are you ok? And by the way Thomas kicked Jackson and Christian out of the house. He figured out that they were planning something bad against you. I'm still fighting Jackson though.

Olivia: o ok thanks fun.

Four weeks later

Fight for you// Vinnie HackerWhere stories live. Discover now