Louis Tomlinson

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"shit, shit I'm late" Louis says as he frantically runs around his room. Louis grabs the first outfit he sees throwing it on quickly without a second glance. He then runs down the hallway into his bathroom quickly running his fingers through his dark brown hair. Deciding he is satisfied with the finished product he exits the bathroom after brushing his teeth and heads downstairs to the kitchen.

"Hey mum!" Louis says as he enters the kitchen. "Hey boo bear how did you sleep" Jay asks. "I barely got any sleep I am too excited!!" Louis states enthusiastically. Jay chuckles at her sons excitement. "Does Harry know you are picking him up?". "He has no clue, I was talking to him last night and he was asking about coming round the house in the evening after he came home. I told him I couldn't hangout because i had to babysit the twins" Louis reply's. "Don't you think he would just show up at the house" Jay questions. "I mean yeah probably but that doesn't matter I'm picking him up remember I just needed him to think I was busy" Louis reply's with a chuckle. "So I'm assuming that Harry will be coming here for the night?" Jay asks. "He may want to see his mum, he's been visiting his dad for 2 weeks". Louis reply's. Two weeks, that's how long Louis has gone without seeing his best friend. It was a long two weeks, Louis missed Harry, he missed the way Harry would cuddle up with Louis while they watched movies. They had no sense of personal boundaries when it came to one another. Most people found it strange how attached the boys were to each other and the fact that they are constantly have to be with in arms reach of the other.  Jay chuckles breaking Louis out of his thoughts "You and I both know that Harry will be here tonight, Anne already texted me this morning saying that she is she will come for a visit this evening since that is the only way she can see her son now a days". "I guess you are right" Louis laughs.

Louis glances at the clock. "Oh shit it's already 1:00! I have to get going his flight gets in at 1:40!" Louis says grabbing a piece of toast from his mum and heading out the door.

Louis gets in the car and starts heading towards the airport to pick up Harry. Harry is Louis's best friend they met when they were 5 when Harry's mum Anne got a job working with Jay. The past 12 years Louis and Harry have been inseparable since they met, their mums are also close friends so Harry and Louis spend almost every holiday together they are basically family. Since Louis birthday is on Christmas Eve, this year on Louis's 17th birthday Harry and Louis spent the entire day just the two of them in Louis bed watching movies and eating junk food while, Anne, Harry's sister Gemma, Jay and all of Louis siblings spent the day decorating the house and listening to Christmas music. Louis's favourite thing to do in the world is to spend the day just him and Harry together, it doesn't matter what they do as long as it's with Harry he knows it will be fun.

Louis turns on the radio, turning up the volume when he hears Look After You by The Fray. Immediately Louis's mind flicks to Harry and a smile grows on his face, his foot presses down on the gas a little harder hoping to get to the airport sooner.

After a 30 minute car ride, Louis arrives at the airport with ten minutes to spare.  Louis parks his car and decides to get him and Harry and drink from Starbucks. Louis gets himself a tea while he grabs Harry a coffee that he knows Harry loves. Louis then heads down to the arrivals gate and waits for his best friend to arrive.

It feels like forever waiting for Harry to arrive, Louis was starting to get impatient, he began to pick at his cup. Hearing the doors open and the sounds of voices trailing in, Louis looks up from his drink scanning the room for his best friend.

Suddenly Louis sees that mop of curly hair that he would know anywhere. Louis suddenly gets butterflies in his stomach his Hazza is home.

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