Chapter 7

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Harry's POV

I made it through another day of school with minimal anxious thoughts. It helped a lot knowing that whatever Louis and I were now I knew I could go to him at any point during the day. I was currently waiting for him at my locker so that he could drive us home. I really want to talk to Louis about what we are, I don't know where his head is at but I know what I want... I want to be able to call Louis my boyfriend. 

"Hi love" Louis says breaking me from my thoughts, I hadn't realized he had snuck up behind me. "Hi Boo!" I say turning to face him pulling him into a hug. "Ready to go?" He asks. I nod in response closing my locker and throwing my bag over my shoulder, following Louis out to his car.

"Mine or yours?" Louis asks as he pulls out the driveway. "Ummm yours wait no mine! Mum isn't home so it will be quiet." I tell him. "Sounds good, we stopping for food or am I getting my Hazzabear cooking?" Louis grins making me giggle. " How about we order food" I offer. "Sounds great babe." I feel my cheeks heating up at the pet name.


We pull into my driveway 15 minutes later, the drive was peaceful, we didn't talk but honestly I needed the silence to process that 500 thoughts that are running ramped in my brain right now. I played out the different conversations in my head, none of which i particularly  like the outcome to.

"Curly, are you going to hangout in my car all evening or are we going to head into your house?" Louis chuckles breaking me from my trance. "W-wha oh yeah, lets go." I blush. Get it together Harry, its Louis, your Boobear, best friend since forever. I take a deep breath and slowly open the car door before and head inside Louis close on my tail.

"What do you want to order Hazza?" Louis asks as he closes the front door and toes off his shoes kicking them to the side in a typical messy Lou fashion. "Pizza? No oh! Can we order Vietnamese i really, really want Wonton Noodle Soup!" My stomach growls at the at the thought of the delicious soup. "Sounds delicious, do you want to order? I just want to call mum and tell her i won't be home tonight." Louis smiles. "Oh are you going somewhere after we hangout?" I question trying to hide the disppointment in my voice. "No babes, I am staying over duh!" Louis states as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. I mean i guess i shouldn't be surprised he always just invites himself to spend the night. I don't ever mind. I love having him here next to me. "Oh yeah, what do you want?"

"Just get me the vermicelli that i like" Louis says walking out of the living room, to call him mum. Louis loves his mum more then anything in the world. Well I like to think that I am ahead of his mum. But they have a really close relationship. Just like my mum and I. "Say hi to Jay!" I yell after him.

I plop myself down on the couch, pulling out my phone opening up the website and ordering our dinner. Once hitting complete order i settle into the couch closing my eyes. I feel the couch dip beside me and a hand softly running through my hair. "Sleepy love?" Louis whispers. "Mmm that's nice." I melt into the touch. Louis pulls my body in close to his so my head is resting on his chest, his left arm draped around my back and his right hand running through my curls.

I turn to look up at Louis, locking in on the beautiful ocean of blue that are Louis eyes. "Hi" I whisper. "Hi love" Louis smiles down on me. No words are exchanged, we just stare into one another's eyes, loosing ourselves in in each other's presence. I feel the goosebumps trickling up my arms and down my spine, from the simple touch of Louis hand to my cheek. I am not sure who started to lean in first, but suddenly the space between us is minimal, the heat from Louis's breath warming my face and the familiar scent of spearmint gum overtaking my nostrils.

Our lips slot together softly and as if they were two pieces of a puzzle connecting together completing the final picture. I reach my hand up resting two fingers on Louis cheek, caressing it slowly as he deepens the kiss. We pull apart and i look up into his eyes once again melting that is the only way for me to describe the feeling. I am melting.

"Lou" I whisper. "Yeah?" "Can we talk about us?" I ask timidly. "Ye-" Louis doesn't get to finish that sentence as the doorbell interrupts. "I'll be right back." I sigh sitting up from Louis grasp and getting up and making my way to the front door.

Once paying for the food, I head back to the living room where Louis is still waiting. I set the food on the coffee table in front of us placing Louis in front of him and settling down next to him as close as possible, terrified of the conversation that is to come.

Louis POV

Harry looks so soft and anxious as he sits down next to me. "Hazza?" I reach out settling my hand on his thigh. "Yeah Lou?" He whispers. "Let's eat first and then I promise you and I will talk okay baby?" He nods and a soft smile creeps onto his beautiful face, his dimples making a slight appearance. I turn on the TV putting re-runs of The Big Bang Theory on in the background as we sit and eat in a comfortable silence.


"Okay Haz, I want us to be able to have a genuine conversation about everything, but in order to do that I need us both to be 100% honest. Can you do that?" I ask him a while later when we were sitting together legs crossed facing each other on his bed. "I can Lou. Promise." Harry smiles genuinely.

"Do you want me to go first or do you want to go first?" I ask. "Um... c-can i go? I am worried I will chicken out if I don't" Harry answers honestly. "Of course baby." I smile. His eyes reminding me off the shy 12 year old version of Harry, the one who was scared of his own shadow. I reach out and take his hand in mine hoping it will help reassure him that I am here for him no matter what.

"O-okay um... Look, Lou you have been my best friend since we were 9 years old and I honestly think I have been infatuated with you since then. You have always been the person that I go to when I am sad, happy, wanting to run away from home." I laugh remember the time when we were 10 years old and Harry got into a fight with Gemma and he came over to Louis house saying that he wanted to run away into the forest and he wanted Louis to join him.

"You make me feel safe, loved and cared for. Those two weeks I was with my dad I found myself wishing I was back home, but i realize now that by back home meant you. I wanted to back to you. I don't know what you want to do with us but all I know is that I am in love with you, my LouLou. If you are wondering what my hope is. Well my hope is to be with you, to have a chance to love you in the way that you deserve." Tears are now in both Harry and I's eyes. I have never felt so loved.

"Haz... baby... fuck. I don't know if I can make it any more clear to you, I am in love with you baby. I think I have been since the day you came to my house dressed in a flower crown for the first time." I start. "Lou i was 9" Harry giggles. "Yeah well what can I say babe i have loved you since I was 9 years old." I chuckle. "So yeah Harry if you ask me what i want, I want you, I want to be the only person who gets to hold your hand, the only person who gets to kiss your lips, the only person who gets to love you in this way. I want you all of you Harry Styles."

"So what does this mean?" Harry asks. "Harry will you be my boyfriend?" I smile softly at the boy. "yes! yes! Of course I will Lou!" Harry grins my favourite pair of dimples popping out. "Thank god" I breathe, running my hand up and down his arms.

"Kiss me you fool." Harry says pulling me in connecting our lips.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2022 ⏰

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