Chapter 6

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Harry's POV

I woke up the next morning confused as to why Louis arms were wrapped around me, when suddenly the memories of last night came flooding back. A small smile creeps it's way onto my face as I snuggle back into Louis.

"Morning Hazzie" Louis says as he kisses the back of my neck. "Morning Loubear" I whisper. He turns me around in his arms to be facing him. "How are you feeling?" "I am a little nervous I have not going to lie, I. Don't want to ruin our friendship" I say quietly. "Hey look at me" Louis lifts my head so that i am looking him in the eyes. "You my sweet kind,amazing Hazza are not going to ruin any friendship. I get that you are nervous and that this is new uncharted territory, and that is scary but Hazza i know in my heart that you an i are meant to be." I have tears forming in my eyes by the time that Louis is done his speech. "God Lou what did i do to deserve someone as amazing and kind and beautiful as you."  Louis responds by capturing my lips in his. The kiss is slow and tender, there is no rush to it, it is just Louis and I.

"Lou..." I pull alway breathless from the kiss resting my forehead against his. "Yeah love?" "What are we?" "Well i know what i want us to be" "What is that?" "I can't tell you yet young Harold, but we need to get up and get dressed we have school to get too" Louis chuckles. "But Lou... i wanna know" i pout. "I will tell you what Haz, you and i will go out for dinner just the two of us tonight we can talk about all of this." Louis smiles and i grin back at him. "L-like a date?" "Yeah babe a date" Louis poke my dimples and causing me to giggle. "Okay love we need to get up now and get ready for school"

After a couple minutes of pouting and a few encouraging kisses Louis and I finally get up and get ready. I put on a pair of black skinny jeans and one of the many hoodies that i have "borrowed" from Louis. I give Louis a pair of my sweats and he takes back one the other hoodies that are his. We head down to the kitchen where my Mum is making breakfast. "Good morning boys, Harry how are you feeling this morning?" "I am okay Mum, i am sorry if i worried you last night, my anxiety was just really bad last night, i got all up in my head" I say hoping to ease my Mum mind. "I am glad you are okay love, now hurry up you both are going to be late" "Bye Mum love you!" I get up grabbing the toast to go and give my Mum a quick kiss on the cheek, Louis following behind me.

"Hey Louis"

Louis's POV

"Hey Louis" Anne says stopping me before i head out the door, i look at Harry telling him its okay and that i will meet him in the car. "Yeah Anne?" "Thank you" "For what?" I give her a confused look. "For coming over here last night, i think you are the only one who can talk him through his anxiety when he gets to that point. I am so glad you are is best friend Louis" Anne walks towards me and gives me a quick hug. "Thanks Anne, Haz is waiting i should get going or we will be late" I give her a smile before heading out the door to meet Harry.

"What was that about?" Harry asks as i reach my car. "Nothing she just wanted to thank me for being a great friend and coming to see you last night." We get in my car and i start driving us to school. "She is right Lou, you are an amazing friend, thank you for coming over las night. It means a lot to me." Harry reaches for my hand and entwines our fingers. I look at our fingers and then back at Harry giving him a toothy grin. "I am always here for you Haz you know that" "I know" The rest of the ride is quiet a comfortable quiet, the radio is playing at a low hum, Harry is rubbing his thumb on the top of my hand humming peacefully along to the music.

I pull into a parking spot at school taking my hand back from Harry. I turn to look at him seeing him frowning. "Haz what's wrong love" "Nothing I'm fine" he says unconvincingly. "Love i know you are not fine, what is going on?" I take his hand back in mine. "I-i just don't want to go back in that school Lou, there is so many people it's just so overwhelming, i am feeling so anxious lately. Ever since i left my dads place." Tears are falling down Harry's face. "Love i want you to look at me" I turn Harry's face to look at me by wrapping my finger under his chin. "I am going to be right beside you the entire day, okay we have all our classes together remember?" I hate his dad for always making Harry feel this way. Ever since we were little his dad has always said horrible things to Harry that made Harry feel horrible about himself. I knew he shouldn't have gone to visit his dad, but he went for his mum, he went because he knew that his mum felt guilty. Anne and Harry deserved better they both are such amazing people. I just want to make him see that he is so much more than what his dad thinks of him and he doesn't need to prove anything to him. He just needs to be my beautiful, kind, amazing Harry. My Harry. I smile at that thought, My Harry.

"I love you Lou" Harry whispers. "I love you too Haz" I peck his lips quickly. "Now come on, lets get to class okay" Harry nods and we head into school.

Man i am walking a line of no return right now...

Sorry it has been a while guys i finally got a new keyboard so i will be able to update more!

I hope you enjoyed the chapter! ❤️

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