Chapter 4

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Harry's POV

The next few days went by quickly, I spent every second I could with Louis. It's now the Sunday night before we go back to school after winter break. I am currently laying in my bed thinking about my time with my dad. As much as I tried to get along with him he always made me feel bad about myself. He hated my friendship with Louis and he would constantly tell me that I shouldn't be as close to Louis as I am. What he doesn't understand is Louis is my best friend and he makes me feel safe, as if no matter what comes out of my mouth he won't care. I don't know when my feelings changed towards Louis but I have been thinking about it a lot lately. I may have always been in-love with my best friend.

There is suddenly a knock at my door breaking my from my thoughts. Harry dear, I am heading to bed now. Please get to sleep at a decent time tonight. Do not stay up all night talking to Louis you will see him in the morning" Mum tells me through the door. "I will Mum goodnight love you" "Goodnight my love, I love you too".

I decide to call Louis, I wanted to hear his voice as I fell asleep. "Hi Hazza" Louis says as he answers my call. "Hi Lou, Mum told me I wasn't supposed to talk to you all night." "well young Harold you should listen to your mother" Louis says in a deep voice. "But my dearest Louis how would I ever be able to sleep without you next to me giving me cuddles" I giggle. "That is a very good point maybe I should come over and cuddle you?" He says. "I wish you could Lou, your cuddles make me feel safe" I say seriously. "I am your greatest protector didn't you know?" He laughs. "I am serious Lou, I feel safe when you are here. Safe from everything" "Haz are you okay?" Louis asks suddenly very serious. "I'm okay, just been thinking about my dad and how he will never accept me for who I am." I spill. "What do you mean he won't accept you Hazza?" Louis asks. "I just... i don't know Lou. I just I- I" I stutter between tears. "Love, baby, why are you crying. What's going on. Talk to me." "L-Lou, I-I can't b-breathe" I feel a tightness in my chest and I feel like everything inside me is collapsing. "Haz baby breathe for me sweetheart." Louis whispers through the phone.

Suddenly everything felt far away, i faintly heard Louis in the background talking to me and the sound of movement. I could only feel the tears streaming from my eyes, rolling steadily down the street falling onto my sweatpants. I'm not sure how much time has past but I suddenly feel arms wrapped tightly around me. I breathe in the scent I would know anywhere.


Louis POV

I hear Harry on the end of the phone hyperventilating. I quickly grab my keys keeping him on the line whispering to him as I run down the stairs.
"Louis where are you going" My Mum yells as I make my way to the door. "Mum Haz needs me I don't know what's wrong he's crying and I need to go see him" I say tears forming in my eyes. "Oh love okay, please drive safe. Give Harry a big hug from me" My Mum tells me giving me a quick hug.

I race out the door running towards my car, opening the door hoping in and throwing it into reverse. I put Harry on speaker phone still trying to help him regulate his emotions. "Hazza, baby, I'm here can you hear my love?" I don't know why I keep calling him baby in this moment but I don't care the only thing I care about is getting to my Hazza.

I drive as fast as I can most likely breaking traffic violations. I reach his house and throw my car in park and sprint up the pathway to his door. I restrain my knocking so I don't freak out his family. It felt like forever but the door finally opened.

"Louis Love what are you doing here, are you alright?" Anne asks me concerned. "Harry is really upset I'm not sure why but he's been crying on the phone with me for the last twenty minutes. I came over right away to see him." I tell her frantically. "Oh my okay please come in, come get me if you need me. Thank you so much for coming Louis. I am happy my Son has you." Anne tells me. I quickly run up the stairs to Harry's room, upon entering the room I hang up the phone.

I quickly sit next to him on the bed wrapping my arms around him pulling him in tight and kiss the top of this head.

"Lou..." Harry says weakly

"Yeah baby I'm here, what's going on Love?" I whisper into the top of his head. "Lou, W-why won't m-my d-dad l-love m-me for m-me." Harry stutters. "Oh Hazza, why do you think he won't love you for you, you are the most kind, sweet, beautiful person I have ever met. You are so pure. My sweet Hazzy, who I love more than anyone. You are so amazing." I gush not even know where it came from. Don't be stupid Louis it came from your heart. "Lou, I need to tell you something. But I am scared that once I tell you... you are going to walk away from me forever." Harry states looking directly into my eyes. "Haz, did you not hear a word I just said about the amazing person you are nothing will change that. Absolutely nothing." I reassure him. "Lou I-I'm gay..." Harry saying looking down into his lap.

Holy shit... my best friend who I am in love with just came out to me...

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