Chapter 2

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Harry's POV

What just happened... i almost kissed my best friend. I can't even look at him. I quickly put on my clothes and start heading downstairs, I feel Louis close behind me. I just want to turn around and hug him and know everything's okay but it doesn't feel okay, things are changing and I don't like it.

We walk down into kitchen in silence.
"MUM!" I yell when I notice her standing in the corner of the room. I quickly run to her pulling her into a hug. "I missed you" "I missed you too baby" my Mum tells me pulling me in tighter. "What are you doing here?" I ask confused. "Well since i knew you would want to spend the night with Louis I thought I would at least come and see my baby boy!" She tells me. "Mummmmm" I groan. "No matter how old you get Harry with will always be my baby boy" my mum tells me as she pinches my cheeks. "Mum you are embarrassing me!"

I hear Louis snicker in the corner and I turn to glare at him. Louis just shoots me a the most innocent grin and in can't help but smile back. Maybe things will be okay.

After a few hours of visiting with our mums, we say our goodbyes and head back to Louis room.

"So love, want to continue our movie marathon?" Louis asks. "Y-yeah s-sounds good Lou" I stutter. What is wrong with me give your head a shake Harry it's just Louis he always calls you Love. We sit on my bed and I sit as far away from Louis as possible.

"Haz, are we okay?" Louis asks hesitantly. "What?" I reply confused. "Haz you are sitting so far away from me you never sit this far when we are watching movies. You always want to cuddle with me." Louis rambles. "Boobear, of course we are okay, I'm so so sorry, I just I didn't- I don't- im just, i'm sorry" I ramble instantly scooting closer to Louis. "Please don't be mad at me Lou I don't want you to hate me" I continue to ramble. "Haz, Love I am not mad, and I could never hate you. You are my absolute best friend in the world" Louis reassures me pulling my into his embrace. I hug him as if my life depended on it. We don't speak I wiggle out of his hug but then lay down on his chest snuggling in close. I let out a content sigh as we spend the rest of the night cuddled up watching a movie.


Louis POV

I woke up the next morning feeling a something hot on my neck, looking down I see a mop of curls nuzzling into my neck. Instantly I feel butterflies in my stomach. I need to get this under control before, If yesterday is any indication of how bad things could go and how quickly they can get worse. I couldn't risk it. He's too important to me.

"Boo are you up?" Harry asked shaking me out of my thoughts. Man his morning voice is sexy. "Yeah I'm up Love". "What are you thinking about" Harry asked worriedly. "N-nothing important Haz" I respond. "I missed sleeping next to you LouLou, haven't slept so good in weeks" Harry whispered in my ear. "I missed this too Haz, but come on we need to get up you need to make me breakfast I am starving" I tell him pulling him out of bed. "Lou how did you even feed yourself these past two weeks without me" Harry laughs. "If you must know Harold i got on just fine without you" "Oh yeah on what take out and left over pizza?" Harry jokes. "That's what I call a breakfast of champions young Harold" I sass. "Oi I'm just over a month younger, that barley counts now be nice to me or I won't make you breakfast." Harry quipped back.

We headed downstairs to the kitchen after brushing our teeth and getting dressed. "So my Hazzabear what are you making me today" I tease. "Well Loubear you are in for a real treat, I am making my world famous pancakes" Harry states with a grin stretching from ear to ear.  "Yay I love your pancakes Haz!" I screech. Harry just smiles back at me and starts getting to work on the pancakes.

I sat on the counter watching as Harry cooked our breakfast. He was swaying his hips humming to the music we had playing as if he didn't have a care in the world. "Lou I can feel you staring at me" Harry giggles. "Styles you are shaking your ass like you are begging someone to stare" I sass. "Hmm maybe I should shake it more" he winks. I roll my eyes at him. Harry giggles and resumes cooking pancakes.

"Here Lou try this!" Harry tells me as he steps in between my legs to feed me his pancake. "Mmmm Haaz it's so good" I moan. Harry blushes and quickly turns to hide his face. "Hazza are you blushing" I tease. "Shut up Lou" Harry wines. "Awe but Hazza you are so cute when you blush". Harry's cheeks turn a bright shade of pink, and he quickly hides his face in his arms. I laugh and grab my pancake heading towards the table to eat my pancake. "Are you going to join me here Harold, or am I eating alone." I ask. "H-Huh? Oh y-yeah I'll be right there" Harry stutters.

We spent the rest of the morning sitting on my bed finishing our movie marathon. Harry is laying on my chest his hand running slowly up and down my stomach. I start to feel that very familiar heat going down to my crotch. I look down and notice the slight tent in my pants from my half hard cock. I quickly push Harry off and start making my way to the bathroom. "I-I just have to piss I'll be right back Haz" I say quickly and out of breath.

I reach the bathroom and instantly sit down on the edge of the bathtub, looking down and my now raging hard on. Jesus Lou what is going on with you. Getting hard because of your best friend, give your head a shake. Before i know it my hand is slowly making it was down to my cock rubbing it over my pants to relieve some of the pressure. I then unbutton my pants, pushing them down to my ankles in one fluid motion, my underwear falling along with them. I grab my cock and start slowly pumping it, soft moans escaping my lips as work over my cock. My mind thinks back to yesterday with Harry while I was giving him a massage. The moan that escaped his lips and how hot it sounded. I wished I could be the one and the only one to make him make those sounds for the rest of his life. I start to moan a little louder "Haz, Haaaaaz" until I'm finally cumming moaning Harry's name.

After a few minutes I compose myself quickly cleaning myself up and exiting the bathroom to go back and join Harry. Once I arrive in my bedroom I see Harry curled up in a ball under the covers watching the movie. I coo at the sight of him and crawl into bed next to him. I immediately feel his arms wrap around my waist and he slides closer so that he is fully pressed up to my side. I feel instant butterflies in my stomach and I think I could be happy if I spent the rest of my life like this.

Holy shit... I'm in love with my best friend.

Hey guys... that was my first time writing smut. It was very awkward but anyway hopefully if there is a next time it will be better.

Thanks for all the reads and votes 🧡

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