chapter 8:

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It was the first day that you were going to start working at the bath house. You knew no one there and being the shy person you were, you didn't talk to anyone, only listening to Lin as she directed you to do the things you were supposed to do. You nodded along and were very quiet the whole day.

Night fell upon the spirit realm, and you were sitting on your futon in the dark, sketching over a drawing from a few years ago. It was of a sakura tree blossoming in the back garden of your old home, the Kitsune Kingdom. The pencil's friction against the page was the only sound that could be heard in the quiet night, until someone lit a lantern and lifted it to see where the scratching noise was coming from. To Lin's surprise, it wasn't a mouse scuttling about, but just you with your knees pulled into your chest and sketching on a book. She shuffled closer to you.

In a panic you shut your book, not wanting your drawings to be revealed to someone you had just met. Lin stuck her hand in between the pages and pried the book open. "Woah, such nice drawings (Y/N)!" Lin exclaimed happily. You were embarrassed by her comment and hid your burning face in your hands. Lin gave you many, whole-hearted compliments, not once asking you to draw her like people usually did. Suddenly Lin became serious and scolded you for staying up so late and began fussing over you. "Good night!" she cheerfully said, not expecting an answer from you since you had been such a quite person the whole day. She was surprised by a nearly inaudible "good night" back. Thinking she heard you wrong, Lin immediately turned around, but all she saw were a pair of furry ears peeking out from beneath the thick blanket she had given you.

The sun's cheery and bright face appeared over the horizon again the next day. To Lin's surprise, she was greeted with a quiet 'good morning' from under a bundle of fluff and blankets. You had decided during the night that Lin was a kind person, one who had no intentions of harming you, so you decided to become friends with her. And that's how you two became inseparable. Ever since she decided to approach you, you would look out for her whenever you two were together, for example, helping her with her work when you were free and also bringing her bentos for lunch, dinner or breakfast to make sure she actually ate and didn't skip meals. That was how you and Lin became best friends.


word count: 446

this is more of a filler chapter than an actual chapter for the storyline but i'm still working on the story, don't worry! I just realised that I'll be away for next week again since we start holidays next week (yay!). I might double update tomorrow, not sure yet. btw, if any of you were looking for simple, kinda (?) aesthetic anime wallpaper, you can go see my acc on instagram, just search for mikrokosmos_hashira, but i haven't posted anything on it yet.

signing out, mokkechild

update: hey guys, some things came up recently and my life right now is pretty chaotic, so i might put off updating for a bit, i will let you know if i do leave this book to go on hiatus for a while or not.

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