The Lorax

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(Y/n)'s POV-

My eyes slowly fluttered open as my head pounded. What had just happened was still a bit foggy but I remember that he had hit me. He being the man who basically kidnapped me, The Once-ler.

I glanced around and realized that I wasn't on the floor where I had passed out, but rather, in a bed.

Upon further examination, I came to the conclusion that I was still in his office. Although, I never recall seeing a bed in the office before now. The bed was in the far corner, away from the Oncelers desk, where he was sitting.

It took him a few moments to realize I was awake but as soon as he did, he smiled and got up. He walked over to me, carrying a tray. As he got closer, I realized that the tray was carrying food.

"Sorry, its a bit cold. You were out for quite some time." He said genuinely.

"Are we just going to forget what happened earlier?!" I spat.

"Forgive me dear, but I have no clue as to what you're speaking of." He turned on his heals and began making his way back to his desk.

Okay, this guy was delusional.
"Really. You really dont remember about 5 minutes ago when you hit me?!"

"Oh yes. That little incident." He chuckled. "That was almost 5 hours ago. But to answer you're question, yes. We are just going to forget that." He finished.

"I can't believe that you-!" I started but he cut me off.

"Quiet darling. You must not distract me while im working. I have a lot to do and only a half hour to do it." He said without looking up from the mess of papers on the desk.

I was just so shocked by the whole thing that I didnt reply. I didnt eat anything either. I was just trying to gather my thoughts. Some time had passed and the Onceler got up again.

"I've put a lock on the window, and the door will also remained locked. My work here is done for the day, but you'll have to stay. Theres the bathroom if you need it..." He started as he pointed to a door that I also wasnt aware was here. "And I'll be back at 7:30 in the morning. Have a good night." He continued. He smirked at me slightly before leaving the room, in complete silence.

I got up from the bed, and didnt bother trying to open the door or window again because I knew theres was no point. I decided to check his desk for anything helpful.

About 5 minutes after I started snooping I heard the door handle turn slightly. I jumped at the creaking noise it made but then froze.

What if it was The Onceler coming back because he forgot something? What would he do when he found out I was snooping through his stuff?

The door slowly opened, but I didnt see the Onceler. Instead, it was a 2 foot, orange, peanut looking creature with a bright yellow mustache.

"Um... Who are you?" I manged to ask.

"I am the Lorax. And I speak for the trees. I speak for the trees for the trees have no-" He started but as soon as he saw my confusion growing he stopped. "Ah, forget it."

"What are you doing here? Better yet, how'd you get in here?!" I questioned.

"Well I had heard that you just got a job here, and every employee gets off at exactly 5:30 PM, but when I didnt see you leaving the building, I got kinda suspicious. I mean, even more suspicious than I already was. I just know that Onceler guy is up to no good." The Lorax answered.

"And as for your second question..." He paused as he held up a keyring full of keys. "I snatched this from the Onceler as he was leaving."

"Oh my god, you mean... He's gone... You have the keys... And you arent working with him?!" I gasped at tbe irony. I could actually get out of this!

"Seems like it." The furry creature replied.

"You have literally just saved my life!" I exclaimed as I ran over to him.

"Well... You're welcome, miss." He seemed confused but genuine.

"Thank you!" I yelled out as I ran out the door and through the halls of the quiet factory.

I finally got outside and immediately started coughing. The air pollution was getting worse. I started to make my way to the small town where I lived but kept my head down in case he was here.

I tried to think of a plan. I couldnt go back to my house because as soon as he realizes im gone, that'll be the first place he looks. I cant go to Kevins house because he'd be a suspect as well.

I eventually settled on going to my friends house. Me and her havent talked in a while but I knew she'd let me stay. And the best part was, the Onceler knew nothing about her.

A/n: this story is turning in a way I didn't expect it to, but I guess I'll keep writing. Lmk if you like it or hate it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2021 ⏰

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