SKZ (7)

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[ Jisung's POV ]

"As I've mentioned last week. We're going to focus more on discussing about Quartiles, Deciles and Percentiles. "

I'm currently in a class, bored out of my mind. I took out my phone and secretly scrolled through social media on my phone under my table. A notification of a message popped up, I looked at it and saw that I got a it was from an unknown number.

"Psh, what is this? Spam?"out of plain interest I will still check it out. I looked in front and the prof was still discussing so I went back to the text.

Unknown: Hey Jisung, I'm going to pick you up at your school later.



Who sent this? It's clearly not my parents, or is it? I have their numbers saved, plus they don't really send messages. Was someone going to kidnap me?

Jisung: Who are you?

Unknown: Bang Chan.

I furrowed my brows. Chan is in Australia. Who's this clown?! Doesn't he know this number is in our country code?

Jisung: Prove it.

Besides if he is Bang Chan, why would he need to text me when he can chat me online. This scam thinks he can fool me, as if.

Unknown: "Excuse me Noona, but do you have a boyfriend?"

I screamed in embarrassment and shock, it is Bang Chan. Why is he bringing up such a cringy memory?!

Wait- he's going to pick me up later??
I quickly texted back.

Jisung: What do you mean you're going to pick me up? How's that possible when you're in Australia, you weirdo?!

He quickly replied with a an explanation. He said he just arrived here last night. I can't believe it, Chan is back.

"Mr. Han Jisung, are you out of your mind?" I came to the realization that was standing in the middle of the class. My professor and block mates were all staring at me. My friends who were in the back were trying their best not to laugh.

Did I scream too loud?

I almost got thrown out of my class, luckily I had my ways. Just kidding, I begged for another chance. When the bell rang, I texted Chan. I waited with my friends at the cafeteria, they were still laughing at me for the stunt I did in our last class.

Unknown: I'm almost there.

I ran fast to see if Chan is really outside my university. I hid behind a structure close to where I could see the entrance, there were plenty of students so I wasn't too suspicious looking.

"Tch", I knew it, that unknown sender was lying. I didn't see Chan anywhere, I even stepped outside to the streets

"Han! over here!" I heard a voice, a sweet ride stopped in front of me. I saw Chan inside, I flinched at the sight. He's really here, I shouted his name in celebration.

He stepped outside the car, he was in a suit.

"Ey!! What's up Aussie?!" I opened arms wide.

"Jisung!" Chan gave me a big hug while laughing. "You've grown up!"

"I know you surely missed me too much but please, stop." I said, running out of air. The guy is buff.

"How have you been?"

"I've been good my Aniki, my Hyung, my supposedly older brother-in-law." I said jokingly. "Why didn't you tell me that you flew back here?!"

"Long story ahahhaha."

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