SKZ (10)

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[ Haven's POV ]

Today has been the best day ever. I couldn't believe my friends actually pulled off something as decent as that amazing party. I felt so blessed.

As tradition, Jisung and I were the last ones to greet each other for the day. It's 6:00 pm, we had dinner together. I gave him his gift as we walked home. He was screaming nonstop when he received it. I clearly won, we always try to outdo each other when it comes to gifts.

When we reached our front yard, he stopped me.

"Your gift was cool, but I promise mine is better. We're going somewhere." Jisung smiled.


"You'll see."

A car suddenly pulled up, and Jisung ushered me to go inside.

"Woah Ji, where'd you get the money for this?", he just shrugged with a smirk.

"I'm going to put a blindfold on you okay?"

"Okay? What are you planning?! Are you going to drop me on a lake or something? Mom will kill you, you know." I kid.

What's with all these stunts? I know my brother well,  he isn't the type to pull this off all by himself.

"Duh! No, just trust me."

I kept asking him where we were going but he wouldn't tell me, so I just sat back and had snacks that the car offered. I didn't expect that we'd be going somewhere, I thought my birthday was coming to an end.

Was I going to meet my Hyunjinnie again? They have been pretty okay lately, they must have worked on this together. Because of the blindfold, I slightly fell asleep.

"Haven, we're here." Jisung said after tapping on my shoulder.

"Okay..." I was still drowsy.

I think the car stopped, I guess we were at the location already. While wearing the blindfold, Hanji helped me get out and walk. I hope he doesn't throw me off a bridge.

"Where are we? What's my gift? " I kept talking.

I wonder what all the fuss is about, and why did we need to drive to this unknown location.

After leading me somewhere, he took off my blindfold. My drowsiness left my body when I opened my eyes. I was just surrounded by glowing lights and rides, it was night so the lights glowed beautifully. We were in an amusement park, and only the two of us were there.

"OMG! Hanji! What--how did you manage to do this?! This is amazing, thank you!" I just celebrated like a kid and hugged my brother.

I looked up at how high the rides were and I was still amazed. I was in awe, I didn't expect this as his gift.

"I'm glad you're happy sis." Jisung said, before pointing behind us. I looked for what he pointed at. "But don't just thank me, thank him."

My eyes were still blurry, I saw a man far away walking closer to us with a cake in one hand and flowers on the other.

Omg, Hyunjin?! I waited for him with a smile. It faded when my eyes finally adjusted, he looked up and I saw who it really was.

"Happy Birthday, my little Haven." He said after giving me the bouquet.

I stood there frozen, it was not my Hyunjin. Seeing this man in front of me left me with mixed feelings.


Our childhood friend, my first love, and my first heartbreak. Bang Christopher Chan.

After looking at him, my eyes scanned the place, looking for my brother. WHERE IS HE?! He was nowhere to be found, I felt so betrayed.

My eyes went back to Chris. He was in a black polo paired with black pants and boots, his hair was blonde, he had earrings. He was far from the simple young Channie I met, he grew up, he was much muscular and tall now.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Avie, I know this is sudden... I've achieved my dreams, but there's still one person who's missing in my life. That's you, I came back for you." he said, then he set down the cake on a bench beside us.

"You grew up so well, you're even more beautiful than the last time we met." he smiled which showed his dimples, his eyes was studying me.

"Oh, you mean the second time you left and disappeared?" I said with a slight tone of contempt.

How could he suddenly show up like this? He left me hurt years ago without a word. He vanished and didn't contact me, and now he's here spewing all these nonsense. It's like he's stabbing my heart over and over. Please tell me that this is just a dream.

I took a step back.

"Avie..." he called out as he reached for my hand, his eyes were giving that familiar caring gaze. The one I longed for years ago, now I couldn't appreciate it.

"Don't call me that." I said every word with hatred as I pushed his hand away. The person who called me that... was the one I never thought would hurt me, how could he be so cruel?

"I'm no longer that child you remember, the girl who asked you to wait for her. I'm no longer the girl you promised to come back to." I said.

He went silent for a moment, he broke eye contact.

I spoke again when his eyes met mine. "I had moved on now, I had fallen for someone else."

We went silent for a moment. He inhaled deeply, and I saw that his pained expression changed in a serious one.

I turned my back on him but he pulled me back to him on the spur of the moment, it made me look at him. He was firmly holding my waist and he was holding my face close to his.

"I know. I've heard you're going out with someone else. Why are you even running around with that kid? When are you gonna be done playing?" He said in dead serious tone.

"I'm not---"

"Baby, stay with me. This time, I'm never letting you go. Come home."

I was about to step away from him, when a hand suddenly pulled me away from Chan.

"Hyunjin." I uttered.

"I'd appreciate it if you back off from my girlfriend." he said to Chris after standing in front of me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2022 ⏰

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