Same As It Never Was

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Donnie was sitting in his chair talking with April while looking over some schematics. "Donnie its hard to believe that you actually traveled through time like that," she commented.

"I know, April. It's wild, isn't it?" Donnie replied. "But it really was the year 1406 and we were there, all because of the time scepter."

"Well, anything's possible," April replied. "I think Uncle Augie's artifact taught me that."

"I know," Donnie answered. "I was going through some of your uncles' calculations and-" Suddenly, the lair began to shake. "I think we're having an earthquake!"

"Nothing's happen over-" Then April's feed was cut off. In the middle of the lair from the pool, a portal rose out from the water.

"Master Splinter, what's going on?" Leo questioned, as Donnie rushed in.

"We've seen that kind of energy before," he pointed out, and as soon as he did, the ultimate ninja emerged from the portal.

"Drako!" Splinter exclaimed.

"And the Daimyo's son," Leo finished. "This is what we've told you about, Master Splinter. They've merged somehow, combined together."

"All into one ugly package," Raph commented as he walked into the room, squinting his eyes from the bright light. Mona had rushed in along with him, after putting Elizabeth down for a nap when she heard the commotion as well.

"We told you we would return," the Ultimate ninja declared. "We told you we would have our revenge!"

"Revenge this, whack bag!" Raph yelled running to them, spinning his sais. The Ultimate ninja used the time scepter freezing Raph in midair as he jumped to kick. He grabbed Raph with his tail, throwing him into the pillar.

"As if you could simply fight us! We control time and space with Lord Simultaneous time scepter! We are unbeatable," the ultimate ninja declared.

"Someone quick!" Donnie called as everyone jumped at the ultimate ninja to stop him. "Grab the-" He shoots out another blast of energy freezing everyone.

"Now we will have our vengeance," Drako said. The Daimyo's son glared, looking at Leo.

"Leonardo, destroy him first!"

"No, we agreed. The rat first then the Daimyo, your father," Drako answered, looking at Splinter.

"Then Leonardo." The Daimyo's son replied.

"They will pay, all of them." Drako declared.

"Yes, all of them will learn the meaning of suffering across time and space!" All Donnie saw was a bright blinding light. Then he found himself falling as he landed on the ground. Donnie quickly got back up ready to fight the Ultimate ninja. But, he saw that the lair was empty, and not only that, completely destroyed and in ruins.

"Huh? Master Splinter?" Donnie called out. He received no response as his voice echoed in the lair. "Venus? Yuuki? Leo? Raph? Mikey? Anybody?"

Donnie knocked down the door to the elevator, leading up to the garage. "The entire lair is trashed, even the warehouse. Huh?" he stopped in front of the Tunneler as he saw it. "The Tunneler looks like it's still in one piece. But, this place feels like it's been abandoned for a long time. None of this makes any sense."

Donnie walked outside from the warehouse. He heard helicopters hovering above him then spotlights shined on Donnie, blinding him. He squinted his eyes trying to see who it was.

"Attention citizen! Place your hands in the air and drop your weapons!" a voice called out. "Repeat, hands up and drop your weapons." Hesitantly, Donnie did as he was told and raised his hands up. As a couple of the men began approaching him, Donnie spotted an Foot insignia on one of the soldier's arm. His eyes widen, glaring at it. Quickly, Donnie pulled out his staff, ready to fight them.

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