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It was a foggy night, way out at sea, a ship was coming to the harbor. The captain walks into the control room. "Three degrees north-northeast." He ordered.

"Three degrees north-northeast, captain," One of the crew mates report.

"Should be smooth sailing into the harbor." He takes off his hat to wipe off some sweat. "Once we get through this fog." But, they weren't the only ones in the water. Something was following them.

It hits the boat, causing everyone fall to the floor.

"We've hit something, sir. It wasn't there a second ago." A crew mate explained in confusion.

"That's impossible!" The captain exclaimed.

"Captain, we have a breach! We're going down, sir!"

"All hands, abandon ship, abandon ship!" Suddenly, the roof of the ship is taken apart above the captain. The captain looks up in fear and he screams as his hat falls off. The ship begins to sink into the ocean, but, the rest of the crew managed to get on lifeboats just in time.

Mona slowly opened her eyes. She felt extremely exhausted her muscles ached in places she never felt before and for some reason the lower half of her body hurt. Suddenly, events from last night came flooding in her mind as she remembered. She blushes.

She never knew that Raph had a gentle side to him. The way he was holding and hugging her gently in his arms as if he was protecting her from the world around them. She remembered the kisses he placed on every inch of her body as he kissed her passionately.

Then she felt a stinging pain in her neck and reached out to rub it. She felt a small bite on it.

"Hey, beautiful." A voice calls out. She rolled over on her side to see Raph resting on his arm, holding his head beside her. He smiles.

Mona stared back into his forest green eyes completely lost in them. Then she moves in closer and snuggles close to his plastron.

Raph laughs softly "That was some night, huh?" He asked rubbing his head sheepishly.

Mona smiled looking up at him. He sits up and she does so as well.

"I'm going to take a shower." Raph stands up about to leave until he feels something grab his hand. He looks down to see Mona "Don't worry, kid. I'll be back then you can take one as well." Raph stops for a moment then smirks "Unless you want to join me? "

Mona faces turns completely red and she hid under the covers.

He chuckles then starts to walk away. He stops at the entrance before looking back to see Mona peeking out from the blanket. Raph covers his face while trying to his his blush.

"Mona, I'm not great with words, but last night... " Raph pauses before continuing " That was the best night in my entire life. " She felt her heart flutter at what he said.

He smiles then walks out of the room, leaving Mona to herself.

Under the blankets Mona smiled to herself while holding a hand close to her heart.

It was the best night for her as well.

In the lair, a TV was on, talking about the incident. "In the third such incident in the last month, the freighter has disappeared without a trace in New York Harbor. This brings the total number of ships lost in this way, to 15."

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