Nobody's Fool

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In the sewers grunts can be heard as the turtles and Yuuki were doing their training exercises. Venus was watching over Mona as the two watched the training session.

"Good," Splinter praised. "Now, shuto!"

The brothers take a stance, along with Yuuki. "Hya!"

"Back fist strike!" Splinter ordered. "Hya!" They punch the air.

"Front snap kick!"

They turn and kick in the air. "Hya!"

"Upper rising block!"

They raise their right arms as if blocking. "Hya!"

"Double-kick counter!"

"Hya! Hya!" They jump in the air and kick.


"Hya! Hya!" They do the same move again.

"And finish!" Splinter slams his staff on the ground.

The five jump down and bow to their sensei, before falling down in exhaustion, panting.

"Okay, I can't move," Donnie pants.

"My...entire body hurts." Yuuki panted as she tried to catch her breath.

"Who wants to move?" Raph complained next to Donnie.

"Wake me for breakfast," Mikey speaks.

"Note to self," Leo commented. "Buy Mikey some new deodorant."

"Training has concluded for tonight," Splinter declared. "We will resume your lessons in the morning." He turns and walks into his room.

"Time to beat the next level of Battle Ravage!" Mikey exclaimed, standing up, running over to the living room, giggling. Raph and Donnie smirk.

"Where'd the controllers go?" He asked, confused. Mikey lifts the couch cushion to see the controllers where not there. "I know I left them right here!" Suddenly, the TV turns on, behind him. He turns seeing the game's title on the screen. "Hey!"

"Some level 8!" Mikey turns to the couch to see Raph and Donnie grinning, with the controllers in their hands. They started to play, while Mikey was standing in front of them, blocking the screen.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait," Mikey protested. "Obviously you've forgotten a very important rule about video games: I always play!" He crossed his arms.

"Yeah," Raph said, as he and Donnie tries to look over him. "And that's the problem, Mikey. It's our turn."

"We'll call you when there's an opening!" Donnie called out.

"Yeah, say in about 10 years," Raph commented. "Now move your shell."

Leo pushes Mikey away from them. "It's no big deal, Mikey. Come on, relax."

"But how's a turtle supposed to rest and relax with nothing to do?" Mikey whined.

"Let Raph and Don have their game. You, Alopex, Yuuki and I can hit the rooftops," said Leo. Mikey noticed that Alopex wasn't with them.

"Where is Allie?" He asked.

"Yeah, now that you've mentioned it, I haven't seen her all day." said Venus.

"Last time I've seen her, she was in the kitchen." Added Yuuki.

"Go check on her. Yuuki and I will meet with you both topside." said Leo. He and Yuuki left and Mikey walked towards the kitchen.

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