Shell Shocked

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 Michelangelo loudly replied "We were awesome!"

Donatello smiled and happily replied "Yeah we totally kicked some butt!"

Raphael mumbled under his breath "If you call running away a victory. I still think that we should stayed and fought."

Then he narrowed his eyes at Leonardo, practically glaring daggers at the back of his head and replied "Ian't that right, fearless leader."

Leonardo replied "Raph, don't start."

Donatello whispered "Shh, guys quiet. We might wake up, Master Splinter."

As the turtles walked into the lair, a blinding light quickly came on.

They jumped as a voice answered "And where have you four been?"

They looked and saw a giant rat approach them "Master Splinter!"

Splinter frowned and replied "How many times do I have to tell you about sneaking up to the surface?"

The turtles opened their mouths but Splinter held up his hand and stopped them.

He snapped harshly "I don't want to hear another word."

Michelangelo quickly answered "But sensei! You won't believe what happened! We ran into those ninjas we'vie told you about again! They were targeting her!"

Splinter looked and noticed the unconscious woman in Leonardo's arms.

His eyes widen in disbelief as if he had seen a ghost and softly replied "She's alive..."

Leonardo noticed his father's and asked "Master Splinter what is it? What's wrong?"

Donatello asked "Do you know her sensei?"

Splinter answered "All will be explain later. Come, let's find her a place to rest."

Yuuki groaned as she opened her eyes and sat up rubbing her head.

She softly mumbled "Man, what a dream."

Her eyes widen as she looked around to see a Japanese style room.

(This isn't my room.)

Yuuki quickly scrambled to get up and she walked out to see a huge lair and a pond in the center of it. She also noticed a couple of furniture and multiple TV's. She felt panic begin to build up within her as question after questions began to race in her mind.

Where was she?

How did she get here?

Mostly and importantly, who brought her here?

She looked to see what appeared to be an exit and quickly made a run for it until something jumped down from above blocking her escape.

She backed up when she saw the blue masked turtle and soon after three more jumped down.

They jumped and their eyes widen in alarm as they saw her getting ready to open her mouth.

Before she could blink, the blue masked turtle had quickly appeared in front of her and covered her mouth with his hand "Don't scream."

The Orange masked turtle let out a sigh of relief and replied "Please don't. My ears can't take it."

Yuuki looked at him (He's a turtle how can he have ears?)

She snapped out of her thoughts as she heard the blue one spoke "Now, I'm going to let go. If I do, promise that you won't scream."

Yuuki hesitantly nodded her head and he released his hand and backed up giving her some space.

Yuuki looked at each one of them and "W-Who are you guys?"

The Blue masked turtle smiled and bowed slightly and replied "I'm Leonardo."

The red masked crudely replied and smirked "Raphael."

The purple masked quickly replied "Donatello."

Yuuki jumped as the orange masked turtle loudly replied "And I'm Michelangelo!"

She looked at them and asked "Where am I?"

Leonardo answered "You're in our home."

Raphael chimed in "The sewers."

Yuuki nearly jumped out of her skin as she heard a voice behind her "Ah, I see that you are awake."

She turned around and her eyes widen in shock to see a giant rat, sitting down in front of her. Splinter sensed the girl's uneasiness and smiled and warmly replied "You are safe here. We mean you no harm. I am Splinter."

Splinter continued "Let me tell you the story of how we'vie come to be.

"I have memories, memories of what you might call normal. I remember a day that started like any other but ended changing the course of many lives. I witnessed an accident. A boy carried a glass jar with four infant pet baby turtles and a old man who was crossing a street when he was almost run down by a large truck. As the truck swerved a metal canister bounced out in the back. It smashed opened revealing a glowing ooze which covered their bodies.

I took pity, gathering them up in a coffee can. I took them to my burrow. The next morning, i awoken to find that the four had doubled in size. The ooze had affected their growth. It changed me also, making me larger and more intelligent. They followed me everywhere except above ground. I knew that the people of the surface would not understand. We are so different, i was amazed by their dexterity but even so i was not prepared for what happend one day...they actually spoke my name.

Soon, they all were speaking. Intelligence followed soon after realizing that the world above is sometimes a dangerous place. I began teaching them ninjutsu the arts of stealth and power and all that i knew of this world from a battered book on Renaissance that i fished out of a storm drain. I chose names for each of them: Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, and...Michaelagelo. Together they are..."

The turtles gathered around and high threed each other "Turtles forever!"

Yuuki meekly smiled at them until she heard Splinter spoke "And you, you look so much like your mother but you've got his eyes."

Yuuki and the turtles all looked at him surprised and confused by what he had said.

(What is he talking about?)

Leonardo asked "Um sensei, what do you mean by that?"

Raphael pitched in "Yeah, what the shell are you talking about?"

Splinter smiled and answered "My sons you know the story of how I've lost my beloved master, Master Yoshi."

He looked at Yuuki and bowed and replied

"My Master's Daughter Has Returned Home."

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