The Big Brawl Part Three

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"Leo?!" Donnie exclaimed, worried.

"My son!" Splinter yells.

"Leonardo-san?" Usagi calls out and walks over to the fallen turtle.

Gyoji appears in front of the two. "Warrior, what has happened here?"

"Something is terribly wrong," Usagi answered. He turns Leo over on his back and leans in close to Leo's plastron, listening to his chest.

"His breathing is shallow,"

"This warrior will require a healer at once," Gyoji said. "The match will be nullified, pending a thorough investigation of this incident."

"I shall come along as well," Usagi offers as he lifts Leo up as he supports him on his shoulder.

"Come, the healer awaits," Gyoji said as he floats next to them. A water dome engulfs the them and they disappear. The Ultimate Ninja and his councilor were watching the entire thing.

"All shall fear me as master of the multi-verse," The Ultimate Ninja said as he walks away. His councilor's eyes glow green.

Usagi, and Leo appear in a large room with many futons lying on the floor. There was a man who face was covered in paint.

"Wise and beloved master healer," Gyoji greets him. "An honored warrior has needs of your gifts."

"Bring him to me, quickly," The healer said as he bows.

Usagi places Leo down on the bed.

"Leo!" Donnie calls out.

He rushes over towards the others and stands over the two. Venus, Mona, and Yuuki followed walking into the room as well.

"What happened to him?" Yuuki asked.

"That's what we're trying to find out. " Usagi tells her.

The healer was kneeling beside Leo and places his hands over Leo's head, and began chanting an unknown language.

"What's with the vulcan mind meld?" Donnie questioned.

"Vulcan mind meld?" Usagi asked, confused.

"What is the healer doing to Leo?" Donnie said, slowly.

"Oh, he is merging with your brother's spirit in order to determine the exact nature of his malady."

"My son!" Splinter calls out as he runs into the room as fast as he could. "Oh my son. What has happened here?"

As the healer continues to chant, he is knocked back, like he was shocked.

"He has been poisoned," The healer said as Splinter and Donnie rush over to him to help him up. "But the source of the toxin eludes me."

"Leonardo poisoned?" The Ultimate Ninja said, shocked. He walks into the room and made his way towards the others. "What fiend would do such a thing? Rest assured, I will personally get to the bottom of this atrocity."

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