Chapter 1

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aight lovelies, here's the deal. I wrote this and a few people read it but I kinda ended up hating it soooooooo Im completely rewriting the story. enjoy!


Bakugo stared at the entrance of UA and searched the crowd for fluffy green hair. c'mon deku, if there was ever a perfect time to show up it would be now. he caught sight of the oh so familiar hair. "where have you been you damn nerd-" he was cut off when he saw the kids face only to realize it wasn't deku at all. he muttered an apology and continued his way inside, keeping an eye out and hoping deku would show up.

Bakugo took his seat and continued to look around the room, praying to see that broccoli boy somewhere in the crowd. as he looked, present mic began to speak about the robots they will face during the test. Katsuki barely paid attention as he cussed himself for not being able to find the boy.

He was snapped out of his thoughts by a boy with dark blue hair and glasses standing up. "I have a question sir, you only spoke of three robots but there are four robots on the handout. I wouldn't expect such an error from the prestigious UA, and you" the boy looked back and pointed to Bakugo, "if your not going to pay attention then leave now and spare UA the trouble of dealing with you." Bakugo gave his classic tch and present mic told about the fourth robot just being an obstacle to avoid. Bakugo went back to his search for deku only to be met with failure.


"c'mon you mutt" shigaraki said as deku began to follow him. "your training today." Deku sighed. he hated training. 

He went into the training center and waited for his opponent. suddenly a black blur whooshed past him. He looked around trying to find the creature. when he saw it the face of the creature shocked him. "holy sh-" the creature came and nocked him into the wall.

 "pathetic." he heard shigaraki say. "what the hell is this thing?" deku yelled trying to locate his attacker. it could be coming from any direction. "its one of the masters more successful nomu. possibly your replacement. he's here to kill all might." Deku gasped. "but- but all m-" he didn't get to finish his sentence when the nomu swiped him off his feet. 

"to think, the downfall of all might is now such an easy thing." Shigaraki laughed. dumb man-child. does he even realize how powerful all might actually is? of course deku would never voice these thoughts at the fear of facing one of shigaraki's tantrums. that man had a temper.

once deku realized the nomu's pattern he quickly got a hit in. "your dumb creature is so predictable." deku announced, pulling out his staff for the final blow. suddenly the nomu slipped out from underneath him. deku activated his telekinesis quirk and lifted some nearby rocks and launched them at the nomu. the creature easily dodged and took the opportunity to nock down deku again.

"damnit" was said under his breath. this was gonna be a long night of training.

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