Chapter 2

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hello my lovelies! Is it okay if I call y'all that? anyway I'm just letting you know that there won't really be a normal schedule for my updates because I have a tendency to forget about these things. so updates could be daily, hourly, weekly, ect.  I am a busy person (most the time) and tend to lack motivation to do these things. but if I am going on a long trip or gonna be off for a while I will try to let you know. thanks for reading!



Izuku followed shigaraki through the warehouse of thugs. all so gross and grummy. "why don't you come protect me, I'm much more fun than that freak." one said. "aw is he to scared to speak to us?" another laughed, Deku went to kill one of them when shigaraki spoke up. "ignore them and just follow me." Izuku followed the order with no hesitation. he had been trained that way.

"are these really the people you chose to help with the attack? I bet none of them have ever even seen a real hero up close." Deku looked around the crowd. what hope did these people have against real hero's? "yeah well you've never seen one either so your not one to talk." it was true. Deku's job had always been more so killing annoying criminals, or possible enemies, and leaving the scene before the hero's could see him.

but he didn't need to fight a pro to know he was powerful. with four quirks it would be pretty hard to beat him in a fight.

"so what exactly are we doing?" he asked as they reached the front of the crowd where kurogiri was waiting for them. "you'll see. just follow me" and they went through a portal.


"um, what are we doing here exactly?" deku questioned. they were outside of UA, the top hero course in japan. at the gate were a bunch of cameras and reporters. "word has gotten out that All Might is teaching here so were here to get information and that" shigaraki nodded to the crowd, "is our distraction."

Shigaraki pushed through and touched the gate, instantly turning it to dust. he came back to where deku was standing. someone put there foot over the line of where the gate used to be and immediately an alarm went off. some of the reporters looked back to where shigaraki and Deku were standing. "are you villains?" one idiot reporter asked. 

deku, who was getting annoyed, snapped, "does it matter, you can go in now so go in!" as soon as the words were said everyone rushed through where the gate used to be. "looks like someone doesn't like reporters." deku sighed. "there like mosquitos, everywhere and always unwanted." kurogiri opened the portal. "I can't wait to see they UA kids tommorow!" deku giggled to himself. "it'll be so exciting!)


today the students were going to the USJ rescue training center. if it had been any other day bakugo's parents would have probably let him stay home. 

"you have to keep living life katsuki. the past is the past no matter how much we wanna change it" his mother said before shoving bakugo out the door, "now get to school you brat"

bakugo's temper was no as loud today, and it didn't go unnoticed. what he had been hoping would be a quiet bus ride was ruined when frog girl pointed out, "bakugo hasn't cussed at anyone to day. or even insult us." shitty hair agreed. "yeah, you ok bakubro?"

"none of your business shitty hair, plus, I'm not talking because I lose braincells just insulting you."

"dang even his comebacks suck"


bakugo's fit was interrupted but aizawa. "were here." outside the building was a pro hero. "omg its the rescue hero thirteen! she's my favorite pro!" pink cheeks said. Bakugo remembered deku mentioning her once. he hadn't cared much back then, but now he wanted to ask about her quirk and how it worked in case he ever saw the nerd again.

suddenly a giant purple void appeared in the middle of the area. "what is that?" someone asked pointing it out to everyone. "is the training beginning? I thought we were just rescuing." Shitty hair said as he activated his quirk, readying for a fight. Bakugo took a fighting stance to attack the "villains" when there teacher stopped them. "this isn't the training" everyone got confused. Mr. Aizawa spoke again. "this is real, those are villain's."

looking at the villain's bakugo noticed something familiar about one of them. he looked closer and there it was. To his horror there was deku, smiling straight at him, on the side with the villains.


Izuku smiled as he looked surveyed students taking in everything he could about them. as his eyes past over them, one of his quirks activated allowing him to take in the information about the students quirks. as he looked pair of familiar crimson eyes met his gaze. Izuku's smile widened as he saw Kacchan, his childhood best friend. one of the few things he still remembered from his past.

the thoughts of Kacchan had been one of the few things to help him keep his sanity over the years. But he wasn't ready to face him. at least not yet.

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