Chapter 3

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ok, so I hope that y'all like the rewrites of the chapters, I know that I prefer them. hope you enjoy chapter 3 of Broken Mind!


Eraser Head rushed in to fight the villains and deku was immediately excited. "that's the pro hero eraser head! he can erase quirks by making eye contact with people, but the quirk is returned once he blinks." Deku began to fanboy. He'd never seen a real Pro up close. it was so exciting! "keep talking," shigaraki instructed, Deku continued, "he's erasing there quirks at random, and those glasses make it impossible to tell who he's taking next, or when he's return the quirks."

"good to know, go kill him." On instinct Deku ran over and began to attack. "your the pro eraser head! It's so nice to meet you up close-" deku jumped out of the way as the scarf tried to grab him. "I like your capture weapon, can I try it?" Deku caught it the next time it tried to grab him and pulled it away from eraser. "can you erase more than one quirk at a time? you can try on me! I have four!" suddenly he lost his two of his quirks. "oh! you took my speed and telekinesis quirks!"

"I heard that" Deku dodged a punch to the face. "you always expell at least one student a year." He dodged another punch. "Have you expelled anyone yet this year" the responds he got was a kick to the gut. Deku jumped back up and frowned. "it was just a question from a fan." they continued to fight.

deku saw Kurogiri portal back to shigaraki. "the rescue hero is out of commission and the students have been spread out." he heard giri say. "good" shigaraki looked back over to where deku was trying to hold off eraser head.

"I'm getting bored of this. Mutt get back here!" Shigaraki yelled from behind. "well it was nice fighting you!" Deku said, waving as he ran back to shigaraki's side. "Nomu, go kill that hero" the other nomu ran over and attacked. Shigaraki began to scratch his neck. "where is All Might, he was supposed to be here" Deku quickly grabbed shigaraki's hand to stop the scratching. "Don't touch me," he said, pulling away from deku. "well its my job to make sure you don't get hurt. if you keep scratching I might have to cut off your hands."

"you touch me again and i'll send that nomu to attack you instead" Deku shuddered at the thought of trying to fight that thing again. the last time it was just a training exercise, but shigaraki doesn't hold back on his threats. "r-right." he looked over to see the nomu pinning down the hero.

deku met eyes with the hero and saw something different. no one had ever looked at him that way. what was it? sadness? sympathy? it was completely new and strange for deku. "where is all might, he was supposed to be here." Shigaraki asked. the hero stayed silent. "fine then." Shigaraki reached for the hero's face. 

seeing a person get turned to ash was never a pretty sight. Deku had always had a hatred for shigaraki's quirk. He turned his back not wanting to be there, hearing the screams were always terrible no matter how many times you hear it. But deku didn't hear any screams. he didn't hear anything. He turned back around to see shigaraki holding the hero's face, but nothing happened. "what?" Shigaraki yelled in anger. "he erased your quirk." Deku pointed out. "whatever, nomu finish him" the nomu screeched and slammed Erasers head into the ground. "does it have to be so gruesome?"

"well we might as well have fun while we wait for all might."

as if on cue they heard a loud "HAVE NO FEAR" and standing up there was a hero. the hero. The symbol of peace himself. "I AM HERE"

"Nomu" was all shigaraki had to say. The creature launched itself at all might.  Shigaraki laughed as All Might struggled against the nomu. this plan might actually work.  Deku thought. 

omg. I am actually so happy right now.

this is only the third chapter and I already noticed that I have 34 lovely readers. I know it doesn't seem like a lot, but knowing that you guys like my story means the world to me. thank you so much. I'm sorry I didn't get this chapter out sooner, but I was a little panicked trying to finish my gift for my dad.

by the way, Happy Fathers Day!!!! please go show some love for your dad. I don't know about you guys, but I love this holiday.

I will try to post some dadzawa in my next chapter in celebration of today.


Broken Mind (Nomu Deku)(Bakudeku)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ