Teacher's Pet (r.l)

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Professor Lupin, cutest professor at the school. I would be lying if I said I liked him. Because truth is, I'm absolutely in love with him. I couldn't care for the scars on his face, the way his hair was often untamed and that he may have dressed like an old man. It made him more attractive, besides, he was the only professor how wasn't wear robes that made them appear to be living in the time of Merlin.

"Miss Y/L/N, you seem distracted." Lupin said, pulling me from my thoughts that had consumed me.

"I'm perfectly fine." I smiled, trying to keep it to a minimum.

"That's good, wouldn't want my favourite student to be falling behind." He says with a smile before continuing with the lesson, apple in hand- specifically an apple I gave him before the lesson.

"Teacher's pet." Cindy said from beside me, shoving at my shoulder.

Of course I was that. Ever since Professor Lupin started at this school, I had stayed behind in lessons or came by for extra hours to get a higher grade- I had been failing behind the year before-, he was the only teacher that actually helped improve my grade.

And that's what resulted in me falling in love with him.

By the time the lesson had ended, I decided to stay behind since it was lunch and I was hungry for something else. Everyone left the classroom, leaving me behind to slowly pack my things away.

"Anything I can help you with?" Professor Lupin asked, facing me.

"Actually, I was thinking about helping you clear up." I smiled, knowing I get to spend time with him.

"It's lunch, aren't you hungry?"

"Not just yet."

"Ok then, you can help me." He says, giving me a smile before I began to collect the books that were borrowed and place them back where they were before.

"Was Dark Arts your favourite lesson at school?" I ask, facing him as I neatly stack the books away.

"I enjoyed it the most." He answers, causing me to nod. "Is it your favourite lesson?" He asks, making me laugh.

"It could be, if I wasn't so bad at it." I say, turning my body to fully face him.

"You're not that bad, you've gotten much better." He says, standing close to me. "Have faith in yourself, Y/N." He says before brushing the hair from my face which he had noticed.

I look away with a blush before he lifted my chin up for us to lock eyes once again. I could feel my lips tingle for a touch, like they had done every time Professor Lupin and I had been in the classroom alone.

"Next lesson we won't be sat at desk. I just had to ensure you all knew the content you need for your NEWTs." He tells me, brushing his thumb against my cheek. "I know how much you hate having to be sat at the desk, your wrist aching from all the writing you have to do." He says, making me bite my lip softly at the fact he remembers about the time I had complained about it.

My wrists could be aching from something else.

No, Y/N, get your head away from there.

"I just prefer your practicals, they're so much better and really educational." I say, my voice soft as I spoke.

"I'm glad someone enjoys them." He smiles, dropping his hand from my face, causing my cheek to go cold.

"Everyone enjoys them." I smile, pressing my lips together tightly. "We're all glad to finally have a teacher that is willing to teach us and put so much effort into it." I confess, following him as he walked away.

Hogwarts One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora