Too Young (d.m)

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Draco Malfoy. Where do I begin? All the Slytherin girls drooled over him, me included, when ever they saw him. He radiated power, dominance, control and, Merlin, wasn't it addicting. He never made eye contact with any of the girls, except Pansy.

Lucky girl. Being able to sit with him, talk to him, she's even been blessed with the opportunity to touch him.

I was, admittedly, green with envy. We all were.

He was the Slytherin Prince. His platinum blonde hair that would occasionally rest on his face and cover up his grey eyes that held a dark glint. He was always seen in a black suit if he wasn't wearing his uniform and either one made your knees wobble and heart pound.

He was soon turning 18, where as I had just newly turnt 16. He was in 7th year and I was in 5th, but did that stop me from trying to get his attention? Of course not.

I was walking the halls, after hours I must admit, maybe heading back to the common room or I was going to pass it for the 3rd time that night and go round again until I got caught by the prefects or a professor.

I didn't have a reason to be out, I never did truthfully, I just wanted to walk around and maybe see the moon and the stars.

And for the 3rd time that night, I passed the stairs to the common room and approached the wall, allowing the breeze of the outside world to hit my skin as I glanced up at the moon that beamed brightly down at me.

"Y/L/N." I heard, turning round to see the Slytherin prefect glaring down at me, his arms crossing over his chest.

I was surprised he knew my surname. More surprised he had actually locked eyes with me.

It's like I had said. Draco didn't lock eyes with any of the girls.

"It's after hours, you should be in your dormitory." He told me as I damped my lips nervously.

"I know, I was heading there now." I lie, dreading the fact I had got caught. Especially by Draco Malfoy.

He stared at me a little longer, causing me to blush under his gaze, before a smirk lingered onto his lips. "You appear flustered, Princess." He says, his eyebrows lifting as he waited for me to speak.

But my blush only grew brighter at the name he had decided to call me.

"I'll let you off this one time." He said, chuckling. "But if I catch you out, after hours, again-" he paused, this time he dampened his lips and I couldn't help but let my eyes drop to his plump lips that looked soft to kiss, causing my lips to part of curiosity- how would they feel to kiss? "I'll punish you." He then continued, both of us locking eyes again.

"Understood?" He asks, his quick glance over my body not going unnoticed.

"Yes, Draco." I say weakly.

"Good girl." He praised before backing away to allow me to head towards the stairs. I stare at him a little longer, snapping myself into reality before heading towards the common room.

I suppose I shouldn't question how he knew my surname, he probably knew all the Slytherins' surnames. He was a prefect after all. I only questioned why he made eye contact. But I didn't want to make myself ponder on it for long, it probably meant nothing. He probably did lock eyes with girls if he was talking to them.



Oddly enough, Y/N had caught my attention. Something special about her. The first night I had actually saw her was when she was out after hours walking around. By that point, I didn't have knowledge of her name which made it hard for me to address her. But she was heading to her dormitory anyways, so I didn't say anything.

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