Holiday Of Realisation (s.b)

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*A/N: Credits go to JulzLovDraco4Eva for requesting this one shot! If you got any requests message them to me, I'd love to write them for you. Enjoy!*


They all fell onto the couches in the living room, stretching out their limbs. There feet ached from the walking they had done, feeling their muscles in their legs crying out for a break.

"Jesus, James, when you said about a tour of the house, I wasn't expecting that many rooms." Remus joked, allowing his bones to crack as he stretched out his shoulders.

"And why did you have to show all of them?" Y/N questioned, lifting her feet onto the table just as James had done, feeling the relief of being off them wash through her.

"Lily said 'hey, James, maybe you should show us around', I showed you around." He answered, narrowing his brows.

"I meant the basics. Like the kitchen, bathroom, our rooms." She grumbled, rolling her eyes.

"Should have been more specific." He shrugged.

Y/N looked around the living room before looking around at everyone, smiling at the fact she was surrounded by her friends. She began to count them all. One, two, three, four, five including myself. She narrowed her brows in thought, noticing one person missing. One specific person that shouldn't have gone unnoticed for such a long time.

"Where's Sirius? Shouldn't he have been here half hour ago?" She questioned, making everyone catch on since they too had glanced around the room.

"I thought it was quiet." Remus mumbled, looking at James for an answer..

"Maybe his mother banned him from coming." Peter said, his voice slightly worrying.

"He would have wrote if that was the case." James said, standing up.

Y/N copied his actions and rose from her seat, she let out a quick stretch before a rattling was heard from the fireplace, making everyone face the direction before looking at each other- waiting for someone to say something.

"That's the floo network." James confirmed, walking round the table with confusion.

That's when Sirius' body rolled out from the green smoke that had appeared, his bag tumbling out with him as he had in grasped in his hands. Y/N backed away fast from the body, fear filling her at the shock of his appearance. James quickly approached, rolling Sirius onto his back to realise that he was covered in blood. More importantly, his own blood.

"Mum!" James called out to Euphemia, panic staining his voice.

"It's a severing charm," Y/N said, dropping to her knees beside James. "Someone must have attacked him, you can tell by the strokes." She muttered, her hands shaking as she gestured to where the blood was coming from.

"It must have been his mother, she's done this before. He's told me before." Remus muttered as Euphemia finally entered shakily.

"Oh dear," She gasped, pulling out her wand. She waved her wand over the cuts, Sirius grunting at the pain. "It's alright, dear, you're in safe hands." She told him softly, hand on his cheek in a loving manner- almost a mother's love, even though it truthfully was that.

James picked Y/N up from the floor, pulling her back to stand with Lily who wrapped her arms around her sister. They all stood by and watched as Euphemia helped ease the pain the charm had caused. She called for Fleamont to help take him to the room that was allocated for him, telling Sirius he must rest.

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