Blackout (rxh)

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*A/N: This is inspired by a tiktok from lottiemaeokill, which includes the song 'Blackout' from 'In The Heights'. Credit to jgz_art on Instagram for the fan art! Here's an extra one-shot for today to make up for my 2 weeks (plus) absence, enjoy!*


"I look so ridiculous." Ron complained for the umpteenth time that night since he had put his dress robes on. "Hermione's going to laugh at me." He continues, pulling at the material before facing Harry. "I look worse standing next to you."

"What you mean?" Harry asked confused, looking between them both.

"You look smart and dapper, and I look like my great-aunt Tessie." Ron complained once again.

"Smell like her, too." Harry says, quoting him from earlier.

"Just shut it, will ya." He grumbles, an unpleasant look on his face.

"Hi, Harry." Parvati said, approaching the two boys. "Oh, Ron, you look-"

"Dashing." Harry said before Parvati could finish her sentence.

"No need to lie, Harry." Ron said with annoyance, quickly glancing at the staircase for Hermione.

He turned to face Harry again, noticing him staring off in front of him at Cho. Ron too looked at Cho, noticing that she looked beautiful in her dress as she stood aside Cedric. He remembered how Harry had said he had asked her to be his date but got declined, resulting in him taking Parvati, so it was clear that he was disappointed to see that she looked stunning in her dress.

But while he was looking at Cho along with Harry, they had both neglected that Hermione stood at the top of the staircase, nerves filling her as she looked down at the bottom to not only see Harry, Ron and Parvati, but also a fair amount of students who had yet entered into the Great Hall where the ball was being held. She fiddled with her fingers for a moment before walking further out to walk down the stairs.

"She looks beautiful!" Parvati said, both the boys thinking she was talking about Cho.

"Yeah, she does." Harry said before noticing that she hadn't been talking about Cho since she was facing the top of the staircase.

He had noticed Hermione at the top of the stairs, wearing a beautiful pink dress which grew darker as the layers got lower with her hair pulled back in a knot, curls resting against her shoulders. He grew speechless before nudging Ron in the ribs- realising he had grew distracted by his suit-, a groan leaving his lips until he lifted his head to see both of them looking at the stairs. When he laid eyes on Hermione, he was completely lost for words, his mouth open and wide eyes.

She walked down the stairs with a smile and a blush which increased on her beauty, Harry smiled lightly and Ron had the biggest smile on his face as he looked at how beautiful his girlfriend looked- not that she didn't look beautiful everyday- watching her drop her head to hide her delicate blush that graced her complexion. She looked graceful as she descended down the stairs, her walk seeming as if she held all the beauty and power in the world- which Ron would say she did, if you asked him.

Viktor had saw Hermione, looking at her with awe as well as the three that stood together. He took a step closer until he saw her approach Ron to kiss his cheek and hold a conversation.

"You don't actually look that bad, Ronald." She says, adjusting his robes.

"You look gorgeous." He says, proud of himself for not stuttering. Hermione blushed, dropping her hands as she looks away to hide her blush.

They head inside, after being instructed by Mcgonagoll, for the Triwizard champions to walk out and have their first dance. Hermione watched with intruguement as Ron tried not to laugh at Harry making a fool of himself. Finally, as others joined the floor, Hermione took Ron's wrist into her hand and pulled him towards the floor, which caused fear to fill his eyes.

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