Perfect Imperfection (n.l)

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*A/N: I'm sorry that I haven't posted a one shot in some time, I had to take a 2 week break but I'm back now. Enjoy!*


Nova Miller was a Slytherin that was unfortunately paired with Neville Longbottom during potions class which means she has to work with him for the rest of the year. Being friends with Malfoy, Zabini and Parkinson meant she despised the sickening Golden trio and any of their friends, and Longbottom being such an easy target meant they could tease the poor kid more than anyone else. He also wasn't the brightest mind in the class but he still got the work done.

Nova just stuck to the work and participated in as little conversation as she could master, which wasn't a bad thing for Longbottom considering he didn't want to participate in conversations either. He also feared to speak to her in case she would insult him, but she wasn't as crude as her friends so she probably would have responded to him and hold a normal conversation with him.

It was a Thursday afternoon and Nova was done with school for the day, deciding to wear a pair of jeans and a black hoodie before grabbing her headphones and leaving her dorm to be greeted by Pansy in the common room.

"Strolling the grounds again?" Pansy asks, catching Nova's attention.

"Longbottom screwed up potions again today and I just need to get outside before my brain explodes." She explains before leaving the common room and putting her headphones on, pressing play on her music as she walks.

The music instantly starts blasting in her ears, calming her erratic brain from stress and allowing her to focus on both the beat and words to her music. This was a common thing she had done, it provided an opportunity to destress from school and the students that come along it.

Her body began to move to the music as she passed different students who she never truly cared about, her shoulders hitting others while she both walked and swayed calmly to her mind. Occasionally she mouth the words to the song, a smile on her face as the beaming music distracted her from school.

She looked out from the pillars, noticing the rain pouring down, removing her headphones for her music to be heard by the students around her while she focused on the pattering of the rain hitting the cobblestone. A thought occurred to her with a smile before she put her headphones back on and continued to walk through the school, continuing to lip sync to her music.

Reaching outside she felt the breeze hit her skin before her feet continued to carry her onwards, causing her to enter out into the rain into the middle of the empty courtyard. She span in a circle, accepting the rain as her music played heavily in her ears. She found herself walking out from the courtyard towards the field, allowing her to have more space to roam and to be further away from any student that would have bothered.

She needed a break, or more so deserved one.

She needed a break from Longbottom and the fact he keeps screwing up potions every chance he could receive. It was frustrating her to the point she felt like quitting, leaving the class and joining one that he would not join. Then she could have peace of mind and not have to worry about him messing anything up.

The rain grew heavier, as did Nova's freedom, allowing her to feel more loose with her movements while she danced carelessly in the rain. She had always adored the rain as a child, how the water streaks with drip down the window, and the pattering would be soothing, and the way that it would be so refreshing.

Nova couldn't be free as a child since her parents had always played the 'loving parents' card during business meetings where she would have to dress in her most mature dress that covered her well, along with the pearls her father had only bought her for these occasions, causing her to use her manners well, along with all etiquettes her mother had taught her since she was young. Her parents would always acted like they adored their daughter with all their heart in front of the people that mattered. In front of the fathers that actually loved their children and not use them because they won the hearts of men, and in front of the women that were unfortune enough to not marry and loved a pure face of a young girl that wished to grow up as successful as she had.

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